Bodies in the Making: Identity, Culture and Society

  • Date and time: Thursday 13 June 2024, 9.00am to 5.30pm
  • Location: Department of Sociology

Event details

Text reads: Bodies in the Making. Bodies in the Making: Identity, Culture and Society. Department of Sociology PR conference 13th June 2024

The Postgraduate Research community from the Department of Sociology at the University of York is delighted to invite you to our annual PGR Conference which will be held on Thursday 13 June 2024. This year’s theme will be ‘Bodies in the Making: Identity, Culture and Society’.

In the complicated narrative of human existence, the physical body acts as a mirror, reflecting our unique identities, cultural heritage and our broader societal experiences. These reflections are never fixed, but instead reveal us as bodies in the making, an ongoing transformational process that allows for the reinvention of ourselves, and in turn, the possibility of a re-imagining of wider society.

Join us in-person or online for a thought-provoking conference, where you’ll have the opportunity to network with other postgraduate researchers and debate a range of topics examining the intersection of the body with identity, culture and society.

Book your ticket to the in-person conference

If you can't attend in-person but would like to come along virtually, you sign up for a livestream of the conference (free admission). We will be in touch closer to the date with the online invitation link.

If you wish to present at the conference, the deadline for our call for papers is 15 April 2024.

Professor Colin Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Disability Studies, the University of Leeds.