About us
The UoY Migration Network operates as a research hub that brings together a cross disciplinary group of researchers from across the University of York and beyond. The network is underpinned by an ethos that fosters collaboration, innovation and creativity in research (including participatory, visual, performative and filmic methods).
Our Aims
- To support knowledge exchange, collaboration and build interdisciplinary research links
- To facilitate innovative research, including arts based research.
- To identify opportunities for collaborative research and facilitate connection and communication with external organisations (including Counterpoints Arts, UNICEF, Save the Children, Refugee Action York, the Regional Refugee Forum North East, the Refugee Council, Refugee Action and Asylum and Refugee community organisations across the North of England).
- To build capacity to develop co-produced research projects with external organisations and communities.
- To collaborate with and support the work of UoY research networks and centres.
- To enable cross university networking amongst postgraduate and academic researchers.
- To offer a welcoming an dsupportive research hub and network for potential PhD students.
- To impact upon policy and practice.