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Co-production, problem-solving & digital animation: Service users in prison

Wednesday 28 April 2021, 1.00PM to 3pm

This webinar brings together a range of stakeholders from the Universities of York, Leeds, HMPPS, the Academy of Justice in Warsaw, and a local prison to support a peer-led problem-solving initiative to reduce self-harm behaviour and violence in prisons.

The session will include a range of presentations describing their experiences of using co-production methodology to develop the scheme and in particular an animation which has been translated into Polish. Through the talents of our service users the animation has been shared internally through HMPPS and shows the story of a service user and their experiences of using the problem-solving model. The webinar will provide opportunities for discussion and a question and answer session.


  • Amanda E Perry (University of York)
  • Aubrey Van Zyl (HMPPS)
  • Professor Mitch Waterman (University of Leeds)
  • Maja Zawadzka and Dr. Jaroslaw Rychlik (Academy of Justice in Warsaw)
  • Service users from a local prison

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Location: Online