Accessibility statement

Visit by Northrop Grumman Corporation

Wednesday 5 February 2020, 11.00AM

Nik Bhutani, Science and Technology Lead at Northrop Grumman, will be visiting the University on Wednesday 5 February. Everyone is welcome to come and hear Nik speak about the company and their interests and he will be available for individual discussions.

He is particularly interested in speaking to people with interests in cyber security, data science, AI and Quantum Communications.

Please sign up if you would like to attend Nik's talk or come and speak to Nik by 24 January.

Sign up

Important confidentiality information

As this is an early-stage meeting, we are not working under a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Northrop Grumman.  As such, please keep information you discuss to published information or information you are happy to have in the public domain only.  In such a short meeting, you should be fine, but be aware that speaking at this event would be considered a 'disclosure' and would render new patentable inventions unprotectable if you explain details of novel aspects.

Note also that even ideas that are sparked by discussion could be taken away and developed with a third-party, so if you've something spectacular to offer, keep the details light and pique their interest so we can move forward with appropriate agreements in place.

Location: YH/001b (ReCSS training room, University of York)