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C and JB Morrell Trust Priming Funds

Thursday 19 October 2017, 5.00PM to 10

Pump priming funding is available for research on Toleration and Justice and Equality.  Up to £20,000 per year is available for each of the three academic years from 1st October 2016 until 30th September 2019 (awarded via two calls per year).  The next deadline is 12 May 2017 with a remaining budget of approximately £12000 to allocate.  Funds are available to support research priming activities, e.g. collaborative networking meetings, student internships, feasibility studies and research assistance. Interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. 

It is expected that most awards will be made in the region of £2,500, although exceptional applications will be considered for larger amounts (not exceeding £10,000) with a clear and achievable plan for further external funding. The duration of the project can be from 2 months up to 2 years.  Contact for further information: or

For more informaiton about this opportunity please see:

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