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Megan W.

Change & Engagement Professional
Happy to mentor
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About me

Megan W.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
United Kingdom

My employment

Change & Engagement Professional
United Kingdom
Digital and IT services
Large business (250+ employees)

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Has a disability
Low Income Household

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A day in the life of a Change & Engagement Professional in the United Kingdom

Graduating can often feel like you've been thrown into the deep end with no help but it's important to remember that help is out there.

Briefly describe the organisation you work for

Openreach - Associated with BT

What do you do?

I work under the Legal, Risk & Equivalent team. Here, I work closely with the security team where I help identify, analyse and capture Speak Up cases that have been submitted to the company. I'm involved in overseeing the fraudulent and unethical cases that come in and work with the team to carry out investigations and come to a solution on the best way to deal with individuals. I am also involved with the ethics team, helping to signpost, present and promote ethical standards within the company.

Reflecting upon your past employment and education, what led you to your current career choice?

I was heavily involved in student consulting during my time at York. Being the president of a student consultancy allowed me to work on my public speaking, team leading and team working skills which contributed to choosing to work with Openreach. I knew I wanted to go onto a grad scheme but with it being a heavily competitive environment and there being so much choice, I had to work hard to narrow down my options and choose the right one for me. Fortunately, I have had many mentors who have helped me narrow down my interests and skills and choose the role that suited me best. I found looking on websites such as Bright Network and using my connections with the Social Mobility Foundation a good way to see what was available.

Is your current job sector different from what you thought you would enter when you graduated?

I had previously wanted to work in banking & finance however, student consulting changed my interests. Overall, I wanted to help people in any way that I can. I'm happy that in my current role I can help promote ethical standards and ensure I'm working with good practices in mind.

Describe your most memorable day at work

During my grad induction, I got to visit the Birmingham office and take part in a training day. As part of this, I was able to work with my fellow grads over the day and end with an interactive stock trading game. It was an intense ending to the day however, it was a fun opportunity to get to know my colleagues better as well as get involved with something I've not had a chance to before. This game was out of my comfort zone as I've never been interested in trading before however, afterwards, I found that I had really enjoyed getting to know and understand the different stages to trading and would consider the high-stakes environment as a fun setting to work in.

Are there any challenges associated with your job?

Coming in as a newly-graduated employee there are often challenges in terms of adjusting to a professional environment. However, everyone in the organisation is more than willing to answer any questions, offer support and give guidance on whatever queries you have.

What’s your work environment and culture like?

The environment is much more relaxed than I thought it would be! I typically go to the office 3 days a week and work from home 2 days a week. It's very easy to balance work with flexible working settings, you get to experience the best of both worlds in a routine that is tailored to you. Our office attire is business casual (emphasis on the casual), it helps to create a relaxing and friendly culture. My team are very lovely and understanding too. If I ever have difficulties balancing workload/need to miss a meeting for any reason, everyone is more than accommodating. It is a workplace that is built on trust and it's fundamental for the smooth running of the business.

What extracurricular activities did you undertake at university and what transferable skills did you develop through these?

In university I was mainly involved in student consulting - including being a president for a year. This provided me with lots of professional skills that I can now use in the work place. For example, public speaking, team work and organisational skills. I was also involved with Craft Society as a way to de-stress in university. I loved doing Craftsoc as it was a way of improving my creativity and I also got to take home something afterwards. I was also involved with my College Committee. I was a block ambassador, events officer and the Social Mobility & Working Class officer over my time at university. Being involved with the college was a nice way to work on my leadership skills and give back to the university community. I particularly enjoyed being the Social Mobility & Working Class officer as it allowed me to use my passion for better social mobility to help other students in similar situations.

What would you like to do next with your career?

I would like to move to another city in the next few years, potentially Manchester. One goal I have for my career further down the line is that I'd like to work in charity and continue to help others/

What top tips do you have for York students preparing for today’s job market and life after graduation?

Graduating can often feel like you've been thrown into the deep end with no help but it's important to remember that help is out there. Keep in touch with your university connections as more often than not, someone else will be working in an office close by to you. There's also lots of communities on social media, like Facebook groups, which offer support, guidance and friendship.

What topics from students are you happy to answer questions on?

Social Mobility, Working Class, Moving to a new city, Joining a grad programme.
I'm happy to answer any questions!

Next steps...

If you like the look of Megan’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Megan a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Megan to be your mentor.

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