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samantha s.

Head of Policy Insight and Engagement (Low Carbon)
Happy to mentor
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About me

samantha s.
Environment, Economics and Ecology
United Kingdom

My employment

Head of Policy Insight and Engagement (Low Carbon)
Gemserv Ltd
United Kingdom
Environment and energy
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Head of Policy Insight and Engagement (Low Carbon) in the United Kingdom

When I saw a role as a policy analyst in the low carbon energy sector, I knew this was the right one for me and the rest is history.

Briefly describe the organisation you work for

Gemserv are an expert provider of professional services and part of the Talan International Consulting Group. As part of a dynamic global network, we offer combined capabilities in the areas of clean energy transition, cyber security, and wider innovation and transformation through technology.

The transition to a low carbon world continues to gather pace as pressure to tackle the climate emergency mounts. At Gemserv, we see this shift as an exciting opportunity for the development of better ways of working and living which will reduce environmental impact as well as deliver wider benefits to society. With our clients we are transforming markets, to deliver net zero.

Gemserv has played a key role in some of the biggest initiatives to date in paving the way for a lower carbon world and we are now actively involved in work right across the sector, from the rollout of EV infrastructure to the development of heat networks.

As the low carbon landscape continues to develop, our experience in working collaboratively with government, regulators, industry bodies and businesses will provide confidence and integrity to ensure everyone is able to benefit from the opportunities ahead.

What do you do?

I manage complex projects to support the development of low carbon policy and markets for industry partners, local and national government. I manage a team of policy analysts, consultants and communication specialists to turn our insights into impactful content with the aim of influence policy and raising awareness of key issues across the industry. I specialise in providing policy advocacy support, developing engagement strategies and delivering qualitative and quantitative research across a range of energy topics with a particular emphasis on the built environment.

Reflecting upon your past employment and education, what led you to your current career choice?

I always knew I wanted to work in sustainability and really enjoyed the economics and policy modules during my degree. When I saw a role as a policy analyst in the low carbon energy sector, I knew this was the right one for me and the rest is history.

Is your current job sector different from what you thought you would enter when you graduated?

No its definitely aligned with where I thought I would go.

Describe your most memorable day at work

Presenting in the House of Lords on heat network policy.

What extracurricular activities did you undertake at university and what transferable skills did you develop through these?

I was part of the university rugby team and was part of RAG which involved climbing Kilimajaro and exploring Peru to raise money for charity.

What top tips do you have for York students preparing for today’s job market and life after graduation?

Find a job which aligns with your passion, get work experience whilst studying and build out a network as you never know when it will be useful

Next steps...

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