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Aedan L.

Fund Analyst
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About me

Aedan L.
Economics and Related Studies
Economics and Finance
United Kingdom

My employment

Fund Analyst
Capita Financial
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Fund Analyst in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job


Courses taken since graduation

IAQ/Studying for ACCA

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Once I have completed my ACCA, I plan on either moving to London into Hedge Fund Operations, or an offshore destination such as Cayman Islands in a Fund Operations/Accountancy Role.

My advice to students considering work

For those who are not fortunate enough to have job offers waiting for them when they graduate, don't just look for jobs on your doorstep. I had to go abroad to Ireland for my first job and although I found life difficult it gave me invaluable experience which made me stand out over other candidates when I came to apply for my next job. Don't be afraid to take a lower salary in your first year of employment if it is a good job which improves your skills and helps your career path. You will always have the chance to earn more money later!

What I do

Improving current work flow processes; assisting with Mumbai staff queries; processing income/expenses on the fund; cash and stock reconciliation; completing a pricing check of the underlying securities in the fund; liaising with clients regarding operational issues/queries; writing and maintaining procedural documents.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I had already worked for a year in Ireland as a Fund Accountant after graduating.

Degree skills:
The analytical skills and financial product knowledge I developed during my degree have helped me fit in easily into the working environment.

What I like most

In the role I am currently in, the type of work I undertake on a daily basis varies quite a lot which always keeps things interesting. I like the fact the procedural improvements I make can improve accuracy and speed in the NAV calculation process.

What I like least

Having to try and explain simple or complex concepts to international staff over the phone.

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