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Daniel W.

Assistant Manager in Audit
Happy to mentor
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About me

Daniel W.
Mathematics and Finance
United Kingdom

My employment

Assistant Manager in Audit
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Assistant Manager in Audit in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Publicity around campus and Deloitte events at York

Courses taken since graduation

ACA Accountancy Qualification

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I am coming to the end of my three year training contract at Deloitte and they will automatically keep me on as an assistant manager but I am currently deciding whether I want to stay in accountancy practice at Deloitte and continue on to manager or to go in to industry as a financial/management accountant of a company.

My advice to students considering work

I tell current students, particularly finalists to make the most of the careers service as it is very helpful for researching companies, preparing for interviews and writing application forms. I would also say that employers look more at what you have done outside your degree so take every opportunity to get involved in sports clubs, societies, JCRCs or the SU as this will be where you learn the valuables skills which most graduate employers are looking for.

What I do

In audit we work in teams to check the accounting applied by companies in their annual accounts. On a day to day basis this involves testing the numbers using various different methods. I'm now in my third year and my role now involves managing the 2-4 people working beneath me on the team, reviewing their work and feeding back to them on their performance. Each assignment lasts for 2-4 weeks and I have eight different clients.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Degree skills:
The numerical and analytical skills from my degree have equipped me well in my exams and in some parts of my job.

Extracurricular skills:
The skills which have really helped in my job are the soft skills which I improved at university through the committees I was involved in - especially skills such as communication, teamwork and time management.

What I like most

The variety of work and moving from place to place working with different people in different teams is appealing but I would say this best thing about working for a company like Deloitte is that you are always working with other young like-minded people and the social side of things is also good.

What I like least

The hours can sometimes be tedious but you get used to this and you usually know in advance as we have busy periods.

What would I change? I don't think I would change anything really, if my finances would have allowed it I might have done a year of travelling before starting work I guess.

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