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Rowena S.

Happy to mentor
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About me

Rowena S.
United Kingdom

My employment

Giraffe Recruitment
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Manager in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Personal contacts

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I currently manage a business for someone else and in future would like to run my own agency.

My advice to students considering work

Don't close your mind off to anything. Take lots of advice on your CV and interview techniques, there is plenty of good advice freely available on the net. When you get your job, work hard, learn from more experienced staff and your enthusiasm, willingness and conscientious approach will be quickly recognised and rewarded. All employers look for enthusiasm and hard work. Graduates are plentiful, but graduates with the ambition to succeed and the wisdom to know they still have much to learn will go far.

What I do

I run a small specialist engineering recruitment agency supplying contract and permanent engineering staff to blue chip and SME companies both in the UK and overseas. Mainly but not limited to the petrochemical, oil and gas and nuclear industries.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I had previous recruitment experience.

Degree skills:
My degree provides evidence of the level I have studied to and the subject (Psychology) has proved useful in my work in recruitment.

Extracurricular skills:
I have sales skills developed through working in other jobs and management skills again developed during previous jobs.

What I like most

The variety of speaking to interesting people and the challenge of starting up and developing a company from start up. The process has involved marketing, managing, sales, business development, research, copywriting, design, legal issues and recruiting!

What I like least

What would I change? Probably nothing, it has all been a learning curve. If anything, I would have started it all sooner.

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