Richard K.

PR Consultant
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Richard K.
United Kingdom

My employment

PR Consultant
Self employed
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a PR Consultant in the United Kingdom

Experienced PR consultant specialising in healthcare

My career goals when I graduated

To get a reasonably well-paid and stimulating job with long-term prospects.

My career history

Started working in the marketing department of a large pharmaceutical company after graduating with a Biology degree. Then went to work for a succession of advertising agencies before switching to PR. Here worked for a variety of PR agencies - large multinationals and small independents - before going freelance 11 years ago.

What has helped my career to progress

Early on, being prepared to move around frequently (at least every 2 years). Latterly - and particularly since going freelance - networking like crazy to establish a large and diverse group of industry contacts.

Courses taken since graduation


How my studies have helped my career

They haven't (it was more my media work - URY and YSTV - at York that secured my first job, rather than the degree itself)!

What surprised me about my career so far

The fact that I've lasted as long as I have in what is essentially a young person's environment.

Where I hope to be in 5 years


My advice to students considering work

Do your research and get a firm idea of what you want to do. Then go for it in a single-minded and tenacious manner - which, sadly, these days will inevitably involve unpaid internships. Be prepared for plenty of rejections along the way but stick with it. Finally, make sure that you network and use all the potential contacts you have.

My advice about working in my industry

Do your research: identify the sorts of agency you may want to work for and find out what they do. Apply early to see if they run internship programmes. Develop as much media experience as you can whilst still at York.

Other advice

Start developing a thick skin in terms of criticism and rejection: you're going to need it in this industry!

Contacting me

Happy to answer any questions relating to the PR industry. I will mentor anyone with a positive attitude who is keen to learn.

What I do

I'm a self-employed public relations consultant, specialising in healthcare. I work mainly for pharmaceutical and medical device companies, either directly or via a PR/marketing agency. The nature of my work has continually changed and evolved over the years, latterly focusing on creating website content, developing media materials and generating media coverage in the healthcare, trade and consumer media.

How I started my business

After graduating with a Biology degree I started my career working in the pharmaceutical industry, before moving to work at advertising agencies and, ultimately, PR companies. I worked for both large multinational communications agencies and small boutique PR agencies before becoming an independent healthcare communications consultant in 2005. Like many in my position, the move to being self-employed was not planned - I was made redundant and couldn't find another 'proper' job that appealed to me!

What inspired me

I was fed up with being told what to do by senior management, and reckoned that I knew better!

Skills I use and how I developed them

I have developed a whole range of skills over the course of my career, developed both 'on the job' and via training courses (one of the benefits of working for big agencies). Currently, the skills I use most are writing (often simplifying very technical stories) and media relations (knowing the publications I am targeting both in terms of who to contact and what kind of material appeals to them).

What I like most

Getting my stories covered by high-profile media outlets in a positive and sympathetic way.

What I like least

The admin side of being self-employed, with no-one to delegate to: my least favourite time of the month is doing my invoices!

What surprised me most

When you've been around as long as I have, absolutely nothing surprises you!

Next steps...

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