Caitlin H.

Manager, New Business Development
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Caitlin H.
International Development
Taught Postgraduate
United States

My employment

Manager, New Business Development
Save the Children USA
United States
Charity and voluntary sector
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Manager, New Business Development in the United States

Looking to mentor someone interested in international development at a large nonprofit/NGO

How I looked for work

I started applying for jobs in the US before I graduated from York, using websites like Idealist, Devex, Relief Web, etc. I also had a running list of nonprofit organizations I was interested in and would check their websites every week or two. I kept a spreadsheet of all the jobs I applied for, along with a copy of the materials I submitted. The job market in the US is tougher than you might think, and DC is super competitive! I started looking in October 2015 and finally found a full-time role in March 2016.

How studying in the UK affected my job seeking

I think employers simply liked that I had a Masters, but it was a bonus that I pursued it abroad.

How I found out about the job

Employer's website

The recruitment process

I applied via the Save the Children website on February 9 and received an email on February 25 to schedule an interview. After two phone interviews (one with HR) and an in-person interview, I was hired on March 3. The process moved rather quickly for a large organization. I had interviews with other large nonprofits before accepting the job at Save the Children, and some of those took 1-3 months in total.

My career goals when I graduated

To find a program-related role at an international development nonprofit organization

My career history

I started in fundraising at a local nonprofit in Dallas, TX, then moved into a fundraising role at an international nonprofit based in Washington, DC. After a quick stint at a local charity in New York, NY, I came to York to pursue my Masters.

What has helped my career to progress

I believe staying open to all opportunities and pursuing anything that interested me has helped me gain all kinds of experiences and learn about myself and what I want to do. I'm still not entirely sure "what I want to be when I grow up," but I've had a lot of great jobs and experiences along the way.

How my studies have helped my career

The ability to work with so many different kinds of people at York really prepared me for the international development sector.

My advice to students considering work

Don't take it personally when a job rejects you, but DO ask for feedback! Use your network and see who your friends and family know.

My advice about working in my industry

Try all kinds of jobs within the sector to see what you like the most. Start by volunteering or interning, if you can, and then you'll have a foot in the door. Fundraising might not be your cup of tea but it's ALWAYS useful to have on your CV!

Contacting me

I'd love to chat with you/mentor you if you're looking to work at any kind of nonprofit organization, or have general questions about finding a job!

What I do

I support Save the Children's ability to apply for grants and contracts from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). I work on proposals that support Save the Children's work in education, health, and child protection in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

Skills I use and how I developed them

This role requires being very organized and very flexible. Proposal development is very hands-on and you must be willing to work with people from all over the globe to achieve one common goal. I created a schedule for myself when I was writing my dissertation at York, which helped me learn how to organize my time and stay on top of a busy schedule.

What I like most

I love learning about the projects that Save the Children is implementing in 120 countries. The organization is so large and complex that we seem to have our hand in everything in the world of international development. When I'm not super busy, I like to learn from other departments and read about the issues we're addressing globally.

Next steps...

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