Chris W.

Actor & Playwright
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Chris W.
Theatre, Film and Television
Writing, Directing & Performance
United Kingdom

My employment

Actor & Playwright
Narrow Road Company
United Kingdom
Creative arts and design

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A day in the life of a Actor & Playwright in the United Kingdom

After York, I graduated from Mountview Academy. I now work as a professional actor or playwright. I'm at hand to help any budding creatives or teachers.

My career goals when I graduated

Become a professional actor.
For me that meant, going to drama school, getting signed and then getting work. The latter is a constant goal, for any actor.
The great thing about writing, is you always have a platform for that, as long as you have a paper and pen.

My career history


In terms of writing, I am one of five winners of High Tide First Commissions 2016/17 - I've had work on at The Arcola, Southwark Playhouse and Arts Theatre in London.

What has helped my career to progress

Making good connections with Theatre companies from job to job; if people enjoy working with you they'll recommend you to another artist or they'll hire you again. Be dedicated and pleasant and work will breed work.

Courses taken since graduation

Mountview Academy: MA Acting
As well as short courses in Meisner, Stage Combat, Boxing, Wrestling, Laban and Shakespeare - nice mix ;-)

How my studies have helped my career

In terms of my time at York, I definitely developed an academic understanding of text which has put me I good stead. But the practical work in The Barn was pretty much my pre-drama school training.

What surprised me about my career so far

How much I've worked on Shakespeare, as well as how difficult it is to break into screen work. The amount of times you get through 4/5 rounds of auditions to discover they've done a re-write or someone famous has got it, it's tough. And I probably didn't expect my writing work to take off as soon as it has, but I've definitely used it as an escape when acting work has been overwhelming or non-existent.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I'd definitely like to have developed a body of screen work that matches my progression in theatre. It'd also be a dream to work with the RSC. In terms of writing, my hope is that I'll have a production on at The SJT in Scarborough. But as long as I'm telling important stories, I'll be happy.

My advice to students considering work

Be prepared to live on a shoe-string budget, be prepared to take rejection and be prepared to make social sacrifices.

My advice about working in my industry

Be nice to everyone and be yourself; don't try to be someone you're not, because you're original and that's what will get you work. And as a writer, remember, everything is an opportunity for a story...

Other advice

Make your own work, be pro-active. As a creative type, you'll be prone to highs and lows. Be humble in the highs and learn from the lows. Also, look after yourself, especially if you want a career in acting, eat well and keep fit - your body is your instrument.

What I do

I'm a professional actor and playwright

How I started my business

I went to drama school, Mountview Academy, and then began working on productions immediately.

What inspired me

While at York I got highly involved in both Drama and Comedy societies - during my 2nd year I worked professionally at The York Theatre Royal and my peers really motivated me.

Skills I use and how I developed them

It's about learning different facets of the acting and writing craft. In terms of skills, there's far too many to articulate - you learn from doing. But I'd boil the skill of hard work and confidence as being most of what you need.

What I like most

Working with people and telling important stories.

What I like least

Learning lines and auditioning...

What surprised me most

I don't feel like anything has surprised me, my work before getting signed had prepared me. But I'm surprised at how many incredibly talented actors don't work, that's where perseverance comes in handy.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Chris’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Chris a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Chris to be your mentor.

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