Sally G.

Director - HR Enablement & Engagement
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About me

Sally G.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
Politics, Philosophy & Economics
United Kingdom

My employment

Director - HR Enablement & Engagement
United Kingdom
Finance and consultancy
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Director - HR Enablement & Engagement in the United Kingdom

I have a less than traditional career path yet have spent 20 odd years working with multi-nationals, central government and third sector organisations

How I looked for work

I was lucky in this role. I was approached by someone I knew through the wider network. The world is small and the more you connect the smaller it becomes. I'm lucky and have not needed to apply for a role for a long time. Back in the day, I found knowing a good recruitment consultant useful.

How I found out about the job

Personal contacts

The recruitment process

A number of informal conversations. I think the more senior you get the process becomes more a mix of informal and formal steps. At entry level the process is a whirl of interviews and assessment centres.

My career goals when I graduated

Not sure I knew (I'm still not sure I know!). I had ruled out a career in TV/film production (a longer story). I wanted to make a difference to peoples lives and I was inspired by applied ethics, and applied economics and was interested in what we would now call the 'future of work'.

My career history

1997/8 - After York, I got an MSc in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations (my focus was industrial relations).
1998/2000 - ITN (News production) - Personnel Officer
2000/2001 - SAP - HR Systems officer
2001 - PwC - Consultant/manager in HR Consulting
2004 - Accenture - Manager/Senior Manager in Talent/HR/Change area
2011 - Freelance/studying another MSc/Parent
2013 - Set up own company

What has helped my career to progress

Working hard, always delivering and building a reputation. Keeping curious.

Courses taken since graduation

MSc in Personnel Mgt & Industrial Relations (UMIST/now Manchester University)
MSc in Sustainability & Responsibility (Ashridge Business School)

How my studies have helped my career

I think keeping learning is core to the success of any career (and life)

My advice about working in my industry

Expect to work hard and stay curious.

What I do

I am currently a Director in a large Professional Services firm. I am largely responsible for people and change related projects aimed at increasing engagement and improving the work environment for all staff.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I could write a long list of skills. The main ones:
1. Dealing with ambiguity is one of the key skills I use on a daily basis. My thought process on a day-to-day basis is largely around: What's the real problem here? What's the context? Who are the key players? What might a way forward be? How I developed that skill - taking on many and varied projects meant I was rarely the expert but I needed to be always curious and work my way towards a solution.
2. Relationship and credibility is the next big key skill in this business. I live and die by my reputation and the quality of my last project. How I developed that skill - connect, connect, connect and I keep in touch with a broad range of interesting (and fun) people.
3. Juggling multiple priorities is a core skills and has been in my management consulting life. How I developed that skill - keeping organised and 'on it'.

What I like most

Variety and making a difference to peoples lives. I also now work part time and spend the rest of my time on other activities. It's great to have that flexibility.

What I like least

It can be stressful and there can be politics and egos to deal with. I do less travel and long hours than a used to (which is good).

What surprised me most

The amount of flexibility I can have if I ask (and make it work)

Next steps...

If you like the look of Sally’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Sally a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Sally to be your mentor.

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