Kimberley S.

Student Engagement Development Coordinator
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Kimberley S.
Language and Linguistic Science
United Kingdom

My employment

Student Engagement Development Coordinator
United Kingdom
Charity and voluntary sector / Education
Small business (0-49 employees)

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A day in the life of a Student Engagement Development Coordinator in the United Kingdom

Coordinating the academic representation at the University

How I looked for work

I used job sites as well as looking into specific companies and contacting them directly.

How I found out about the job

Employer's website

My career goals when I graduated

To work in events management.

My career history

After I graduated I worked at gaining experience in events, I then got a Graduate Internship at the University which really helped me get my first full-time permanent job. I worked extremely hard during the first nine months which led to more and more responsibility and has led to my promotion. After working for over two years in this role I was able to move to a position in YUSU which is more inline with the area I want to work in.

What has helped my career to progress

Dedication to the job, enthusiasm and the drive to become an integral part of the company by going the extra mile.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Watch this space... With my new role being so different to previous jobs I might find my career plans take a new direction.

My advice about working in my industry

Gain as much varied experience as you can from as early as you can.

What I do

I am responsible for coordinating the academic representation system at the University and supporting the Academic Officer and the Faculty, Department and Course Reps. This includes preparing students for the committees they attend, supporting them in chosen projects/campaigns, managing the recruitment process of each representative, offering training for reps and communicating to both the academic representation community and the university community.

Skills I use and how I developed them

- Excellent organisational skills - developed throughout my career after university
- Clear and coherent communication skills - developed by researching and reading similar content
- Flare for design - this is still developing and I work with a more experienced team member to improve my skills
- Time management with ability to prioritise and multi-task - this has been a key skill in my current role and it is important for me to take time to think about deadlines and priorities
- Attention to detail - this has been developed further, I tend to stop and check through work on multiple occasions to ensure everything is correct
- Leadership skills including management and motivation - I have had to develop this in my new role and am overcoming confidence issues when leading group sessions

What I like most

I enjoy the variation of my role and the project-based workload. I have the opportunity to work on some really exciting projects with individual reps and departments as a whole.

What surprised me most

The freedom involved in my role which allows me to focus on areas I want to develop.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Kimberley’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Kimberley a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Kimberley to be your mentor.

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