Hope B.

Marketing and Social Media Intern
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Hope B.
United Kingdom

My employment

Marketing and Social Media Intern
Red Box Consultancy Services Ltd.
United Kingdom
Advertising, marketing and PR
Small business (0-49 employees)

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A day in the life of a Marketing and Social Media Intern in the United Kingdom

Marketing and Social Media Intern through the Student Internship Bureau

How I looked for work

On the Careers Gateway at the University of York- I searched for various internship on the site, and then applied for those which fit my needs, such as being a marketing internship located in the North with the flexibility to work from home. Initially I was looking for internship related to journalism or publishing, however due to the location restrictions that I had in mind, this proved not possible, and I widen my search to include marketing and social media internship, which are still applicable to my chosen career path after graduating.

How I found out about the job

Careers website (University of York)

The recruitment process

I sent off my CV and filled in a question form that I had been sent. I was then contacted to say that I had got to the interview stage. I did some prior research before going into my interview, and once I had had my interview was offered the internship by Red Box.

My advice to students considering work

Search around for the best options for you, if you need to earn a little money, look for a paying internship, if you know you'll need to be close to home over the summer, restrict your location. Make sure you have a great CV (you can get them checked at Careers) and then just apply around for work placements of internships that take you think you'd enjoy.

What I do

I had to create and implement an effective marketing and social media campaign for Red Box Consultancy Services Ltd., that aimed to increase client enquiries along with overall awareness of the company itself.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I used various technical skills such as SEO and HTML along with numerous marketing techniques. Other skills such as the ability to work as part of a team, and organisation were also important.
Going into the internship I already had some prior knowledge of marketing and SEO, however I built upon these throughout the internship by doing constant research and looking at various case studies.
I developed my ability to work as part of a team the most, finding out different techniques and softwares that could help increase productivity as a team and work around our respective schedules. Softwares such as Wanderlust and Outlook were particularly useful!

What I like most

Working as part of a team- Red Box were always keen to answer any questions I had, and were very kind and welcoming from the offset.

What I like least

The travel between my home and my place of work.

What surprised me most

The flexibility and kindness of Red Box, they were always keen to help and involve me in all aspects of their business.

Next steps...

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