Muhammad I.

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About me

Muhammad I.

My employment

emlyon business school, LMU Munich, University of Lancaster

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Master's in Management European Triple Degree Candidate (Lancaster, emlyon, LMU).

How I looked for postgraduate options

By looking at university websites... Referring to rankings like the Financial Times and QS... painstakingly writing emails to admissions' officers... subscribing to ETS/ GRE services... Everything.

How I found out about the postgraduate place

Prospects website

The application process

There was a video interview and an application form which included short-essay questions about my career aspirations and past academic/ work experience.

Why I continued studying

Increased job prospects as well as the desire to have the business-related acumen to maintain a competitive advantage.

What my course is like

Highly rigorous. Currently, I am in the first part of the first academic year. The first year is split into a six month accelerated general management course (codelivered by Lancaster (UK), LMU (Germany) and emlyon (France)), and a six month internship. We are taught each module in one week and by one professor of each institution, and are tested a week later. Next year, I will have the opportunity to specialize in either Corporate Development, Marketing and Finance or Strategy and Change, in addition to another six-month internship.

How I have funded my studies

I received a partial scholarship from emlyon business school based on my GRE score performance and interview. The rest is funded by my father. However, please note that all programmes, save the eMiM programme, at LMU (and German public universities) are free for everyone and, ample loans and funding is available for EU students. Excellent French and other non-UK European universities also provide aid and scholarships, and are generally a lot cheaper than the UK.

What I like most

The programme is run conjointly by three excellent European universities' departments, each with their own nuanced approach and methodology to tackle modern and relevant issues. Moreover, our cohort is highly diverse and everyone is extremely welcoming and friendly.

What I like least

I elected to study the first two semesters of the course in France (instead of in Lancaster). As someone who studied at York as an international student from Pakistan, I felt no culture-shock whatsoever. However, moving to France (and not knowing French) required a period of adjustment. Our programme itself is "international" but the campus at Lyon and the city, is not, and the same goes for our exam invigilators. That being said, everyone is willing to help to whatever degree they can, no matter how big the communication barrier, and an excellent opportunity to learn some French.
We are tested primarily by written exams, whereas I would have liked a mix.

What surprised me most

The work I am doing now (as a student) is academically less serious. However, this should, probably, not have come as a surprise since I switched from an 'academic' pathway to a 'vocational' one.

My advice to students considering further study

Do it! It's worth it. And try to do it at your earliest!

Contacting me

If you are looking to pursue a career or education in philosophy/ management, or are looking to make a career shift and need some advice, please feel free to contact me, for anything, really! Chances are that I have probably have had the same questions as you at some point, and I may just be able to help!

Next steps...

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