Jessica F.

Energy Analyst
Happy to mentor
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About me

Jessica F.
Environment, Economics and Ecology
United Kingdom

My employment

Energy Analyst
DW Sports Fitness
United Kingdom
Environment and energy
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Energy Analyst in the United Kingdom

It's important to take steps to develop your CV throughout your time at York

How I looked for work

Initially, I Googled job roles in the sustainability industry as I wasn't sure of exactly what job to search for. I applied for a few graduate schemes while at university but more so I used

How I found out about the job

Online jobs board

My career goals when I graduated

I wasn't entirely sure. I just knew I wanted to work in sustainability.

What has helped my career to progress

My drive to learn more and volunteering as Young Professional Representative for the North West North Wales Energy Institute branch.

How my studies have helped my career

The economics aspects of my degree definitely gives me an edge on other environmental degrees.
The independent learning has greatly helped me in my current job role as with a lack of management I have to learn a lot by myself.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

A Chartered Energy Manager

My advice to students considering work

Apply to jobs even with requirements of 1 years industry experience as you never know what the other applicants will be like. The company might be willing to take a chance on you if you impress them.
Sometimes looking/getting a job can be time consuming - keep going.

Other advice

Try to do something other than your degree. Throughout University you should be thinking about developing your CV through volunteering, working part-time and/or completing an internship. For example, I interned at an environmental consultancy and spent one week working for free at a company which specialised in sustainable buildings. If you find a company you're interested in and they aren't offering any internships, email them to find out if this is something they are willing to offer, even if it's just working for free one week.
In third year I also volunteered for the NUS Green Impact project in a university department which also helped me build relevant skills and gave me something to talk about in interviews.

What I do

Day to day I monitor the gas, electricity and water data for DW Sports Fitness gym and retail sites. Through doing so I identify anomalies, trouble shoot high usage and push for maintenance issues to be resolved. I also look into any new energy efficiency technologies to implement to reduce the companies carbon emissions and utility costs.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Attention to detail - I enhanced my attention to detail through looking at half hourly gas and electricity data to identify any inefficient uses of energy.
Communication - Through building relationships and working with general managers at site to troubleshoot any areas of high usage I utilise my communication skills.
Team work - In working with the maintenance department to resolve any issues causing high utilities I develop my team work skills.
Influencing - In order to implement energy efficiency technologies I need board members support which requires me to be influential.

What I like most

The value I get from my role. Both the wider environmental value of reducing a high consuming business's energy but also the more direct economical benefit to the business.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Jessica’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Jessica a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Jessica to be your mentor.

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