Ross W.

County Councillor / Parliamentary Assistant
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Ross W.
Politics with International Relations
United Kingdom

My employment

County Councillor / Parliamentary Assistant
United Kingdom
Politics and public affairs
Small business (0-49 employees)

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A day in the life of a County Councillor / Parliamentary Assistant in the United Kingdom

I enjoy the diverse range of subjects I deal with on a day to day basis

How I looked for work

The best way to find work for an MP is through

The recruitment process

The recruitment process involved an application in January, followed by two interviews in February.

My career goals when I graduated

When I graduated from York I was not sure whether I wanted to get involved in politics directly through working for an MP, or to train as a journalist. Towards the end of my time at York I applied for various jobs in Marketing and Public Relations.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

An important thing to remember with this particular role is there is no clear career progression path. The skills I am developing would be very useful in a campaigns, public affairs or journalism career in the future. I would also like to pursue a Master's degree to develop specialist knowledge in a particular area.

My advice to students considering work

My advice to anyone seeking work generally is to get experience, and don't be afraid to ask for voluntary work experience. If you volunteer, make sure you are getting something worthwhile and beneficial from the experience. Don't let an employer take advantage!

My advice about working in my industry

The application process to work for an MP is very competitive. Get involved in your preferred political party - become active in local campaigns, especially if the role is based in the constituency office. Writing skills are also very important.

Other advice

Make the most of your time at York! It is easy to take for granted the huge range of opportunities available.

Contacting me

I am happy to answer questions about the role and about the skills required.

What I do

My work as a Parliamentary Assistant involves writing speeches, press releases, articles and policy briefings for a Member of Parliament. As Community Relations Officer, I manage the MP's relationship with community groups and other stakeholders in the constituency.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Written skills are extremely important in my work. While studying at York I was involved in a student-led media company where I developed article-writing skills. I also did an internship at a regional newspaper to develop my writing for news skills.

What I like most

The best part about the role, in my opinion, is seeing work you have done delivered as a speech, or research you have done keeping the MP in the know. It is also a great feeling to see press releases I have written appearing in the media.

What surprised me most

The range of subjects dealt with on a day-to-day basis. In one day I might be writing a press release about a local issue in the morning, while writing a speech or briefing on foreign affairs, as an example.

Next steps...

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