David B.

Corporate Investor Relations specialist
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

David B.
Economics and Related Studies
United Kingdom

My employment

Corporate Investor Relations specialist
Self Employed
United Kingdom
Finance and consultancy

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A day in the life of a Corporate Investor Relations specialist in the United Kingdom

Courses taken since graduation

MBA at Manchester Business School 1986-88

My advice to students considering work

Be pro-active - do as much research as possible about the organisation you are applying to and the specific opportunity you are going for, then target your "offer" each time on the recruiter's main requirements, in your CV, on-line, and in person (and don't exaggerate too much). Remember it is a numbers game - so every time you get turned down, target two more opportunities.

Contacting me

Investor Relations is not a role for which new graduates are qualified - it is a step onwards after experience in another financially focused role - either in a big corporate or in the financial markets. (I had ten years' corporate and consulting experience before I moved into IR). However it is a role which straddles both corporate senior management and the investment community, and therefore provides excellent insights into both of these worlds.

I am therefore very happy to give advice or answer questions from students considering a career in a finance-focused role in a listed company, or in the investment community (on either the buy-side or sell-side). Unfortunately at present I am not in a position to mentor anyone.

What I do

I have more than 20 years experience in front-line corporate Investor Relations, including developing and leading the IR function at BG, Sainsbury, O2, TalkTalk, Inmarsat and Ubiquity Software; and undertaking interim hands-on Investor Relations development and management assignments at Millicom, Seplat Petroleum, Vesuvius and Pipex.

I have been responsible for developing and managing all aspects of these companies' relations with the international investment community. I have acted as the primary point of company contact for sell-side analysts and buy-side institutional investors through a wide range of corporate developments including : four demergers, four major restructurings, two Competition Commission reviews, one ground-breaking IPO, two agreed take-overs, and a wide range of major positive and negative newsflow.

I currently specialise in interim hands-on roles that focus on developing and enhancing the corporate IR function, both externally and internally, strengthening the two-way communications between the company and the investment community, to build mutual understanding and trust.

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