Keith T.

Simultaneous interpreter
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Keith T.
Language and Linguistic Science
Taught Postgraduate
United Kingdom

My employment

Simultaneous interpreter
Listen and Learn, Language Empire, Linkedin
United Kingdom
Digital and IT services
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Simultaneous interpreter in the United Kingdom

As a professional linguist with years of experience in simultaneous interpreting and language teaching, I am continuing my career path as a professional linguist, which has been enhanced by my Masters course

How I looked for work

I applied online for which there was a huge resource for jobs/career opportunities for linguists, and my education and qualifications in languages and linguistics helped me enormously in this regard. All my potential employers responded to my applications warmly and they were willing to offer the job with immediate effect.

How I found out about the job

Other graduate recruitment website

My career goals when I graduated

To balance a life and career between academic linguistics and professional applied linguistics, namely to keep up my research in linguistics and continue my career as a simultaneous interpreter and language teacher.

My career history

I came to York as a mature student, and before then I was already working as a professional simultaneous interpreter and language teacher. It was easy for me to continue my work in these fields, and the real challenge for me was to fruitfully combine both my academic research in linguistics and my work as a career linguist.

My advice to students considering work

Show genuine enthusiasm and sincerity when applying for jobs. Also, put down in as much as detail as you can your experience and qualifications and how you think all this might fit the objectives of the employers in question.

Contacting me

Feel free to contact me on - I'd be most happy to help you with choices in the next step(s) of your career.

What I do

As a freelance linguist, I need to be on-call 24/7 for assignments in the vicinity of my abode (north of England), and I have been assigned numerous assignments before, during and after my course at York. These assignments mostly involve simultaneous face-to-face interpreting, though I have occasionally been assigned written pieces of translation between languages with which I am familiar. Furthermore, I am currently doing several online projects which involve lots of computational linguistic skills.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Simultaneous interpreting and language teaching, obviously, require first and foremost linguistic skills, namely proficiency in the language(s) in question. Furthermore, both jobs require a huge amount of communicative and interpersonal skills, since both are about communicating with clients using the language(s) in question. As for computational linguistics, this requires a set of very specialised skills in IT married with an acute understanding of language and linguistics, especially applied linguistics and how our knowledge and understanding of linguistics can be applied to the benefit of the world.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Keith’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Keith a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Keith to be your mentor.

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