Ashley S.

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About me

Ashley S.
Social Policy and Social Work
International Development
Taught Postgraduate

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Research Officer in Public Sector currently pursuing MPA - International Development.

How I looked for postgraduate options

I did extensive research online, with preference to Russell Group schools due to the high reputation.

How I found out about the postgraduate place

Course provider website

The application process

I submitted a standard application with references.

Why I continued studying

I love to learn. I believe we should all be students of life. I have a protective and helpful nature, as such, I want my career to reflect same. In order to help others to the utmost, my skill set would need to broaden and deepen, as such, further study was the way to go.

What my course is like

My course is challenging but rewarding. At the expense of sounding cliche of course. My tutors and supervisor are phenomenal. I never feel as though I am without guidance, especially in a distance learning course. My classmates are friendly and intelligent, with a wealth of experience which inspires me greatly.

How I have funded my studies

I am partially self funded as well as student loans.

What I like most

The courses offered. It is a near perfect match for the skill set I desire.

What I like least

The weekly readings can get monotonous if not taken in strides.

What surprised me most

How quickly I re-adapted to a learning space after having a gap between undergrad and postgrad.

My career goals when I graduated

I plan to continue working within the Public Sector/Civil Service.

My career history

For the past 2 years, I have been a Research Officer.

What has helped my career to progress

Consistency. Setting goals and sticking to them. Looking for ways to add value to the organization.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

In a management or senior position in the Public Sector.

My advice to students considering further study

Take your time and do your research. Have multiple options for schools and funding.

Contacting me

I would love to mentor someone who is eager to take the next step in studies or is currently studying and would like accountability.

Next steps...

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