Michael C.

Head of Banking Propositions
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Michael C.
Physics and Astrophysics
United Kingdom

My employment

Head of Banking Propositions
FIS Global
United Kingdom
Finance and consultancy
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Head of Banking Propositions in the United Kingdom

Senior Director of Product Management and Strategy delivering banking platforms in international markets.

How I looked for work

I wasn't actively looking for this role but the best friends you can have is a good LinkedIn profile and a strong network. With your LinkedIn profile please don't fill it with meaningless endorsements and recommendations from your friends as it is obvious when you do - a bad LinkedIn profile will often stop me hiring someone.

How I found out about the job

Personal contacts

The recruitment process

A former manager approached me for a role in his organisation running Sales strategy for Europe. From the work I did in that role I managed to impress the board and be offered a significant promotion about 9 months after joining.

My career goals when I graduated

I hadn't decided and I don't think that matters.

My career history

I started my career at a boutique management consultancy, focusing on delivering business process optimisation using technology. After two years I decided to move onto Deloitte before moving to a director role for Bloomberg. Following a brief stint at a start-up I now run Banking Propositions for international markets for FIS Global, one of the largest FinTech companies in the world.

What has helped my career to progress

Being willing to take responsibility. Most importantly though know how to spot an opportunity and grasp it.

What surprised me about my career so far

Just how quickly you can progress if you work hard and don't take success for granted.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I am in the process of launching a Banking start-up accelerator for my current organisation. In the next 5 years I am hoping to broaden the scope of this accelerator to include more technologies and industries.

My advice to students considering work

Find something that makes you stand out from the crowd. When I look at graduate applicants I see hundreds of the same cookie cutter CVs. Look beyond the degrees and limited job experience that you have and try and let an employer know what is unique about you. If they find something they like about you that will really stand you out from the crowd.

My advice about working in my industry

Have thick skin. Be honest when you make a mistake and be willing to take on responsibility.

What I do

I head up Banking Propositions in International Markets (EMEA, LATAM, APAC) for FIS Global. I take the products built by our Banking Product & Development teams and craft them into coherent and focused GTM strategies and proposals that allow us to answer the unique challenges that each of the different market segments face.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I think the skills that have been most beneficial to me have been my ability to network, my ability to change direction quickly and to think on my feet. It is pretty important to understand that you won't always know the answer to a question, and knowing who the right person to ask is a hugely important skill. Every job you do is going to throw up obstacles and challenges, and the my ability to find a way round these challenges and continue to deliver value is something that has enabled me to move up very rapidly throughout my career.

What I like most

My role is constantly evolving and is right on the bleeding edge of the FinTech space. The things we are developing and delivering for our clients are truly changing the way the Banking world operates and that is a hugely exciting place to be. I always have great exposure at the highest level of the organisation which from a career perspective is always a positive, so long as I deliver.

What I like least

I genuinely don't dislike anything about my job.

What surprised me most

How quickly (and well) you get rewarded for delivering. If you work hard you will reap the benefits.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Michael’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Michael a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Michael to be your mentor.

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