Nikhil K.

Policy Advisor
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Nikhil K.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
United Kingdom

My employment

Policy Advisor
Department for International Trade
United Kingdom
Large business (250+ employees)

More about Nikhil

BAME student

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A day in the life of a Policy Advisor in the United Kingdom

Looking to share my insights into the UK civil service and general career-planning with all students from the University of York

How I looked for work

I took advantage of shadowing opportunities during my first year at university.

In the summer after second year, I completed a civil service summer internship. The application process was stretching but not too difficult.

I applied for the Civil Service Fast Stream but was unsuccessful. My score at the Assessment Centre was good enough to be put forward for the Direct Appointment scheme and I was offered the role I am currently in!

How I found out about the job

Recruitment event

The recruitment process

In second year, I successfully applied for a civil service summer internship. The application process was stretching but not too difficult. I spent 6 weeks in Sheffield in the Department for Work and Pensions.

As part of the internship I was fast-tracked to the Civil Service Fast Stream Assessment Centre, bypassing some stages of the selection process that others would have faced. I did not get into the Fast Stream. However, my score at the Assessment Centre was good enough to be put forward for the Direct Appointment scheme and I was offered the role I am currently in!

My career goals when I graduated

To become a senior leader in my chosen profession.
To earn enough money to be able to raise a family and be comfortable, living in a nice house in a nice area.

My career history

Starting out in the Civil Service.

What has helped my career to progress

Taking advantage of every opportunity to lead, to contribute and to organise that has presented itself - from Young Enterprise to being on the committee of a university sports club to opportunities offered by York Careers.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Working in a policy area that I am passionate about, having recently secured a promotion.

My advice to students considering work

Take every opportunity to learn and practise new skills before you get to the world of work. The main thing that employers are looking for today is the ability to work well with other people. They aren't as interested in what you know - they are interested in how you go about tasks and how you interact with the people that you are working with.

Talking to and getting work shadowing/experience with people in jobs you think you might like to do are invaluable. Sometimes you will enjoy work shadowing and sometimes you'll hate it. Both experiences are valuable! (I hated my week as a property lawyer and was able to rule it out as a result!)

My advice about working in my industry

There are loads of routes in, so if you think the Civil Service is for you, apply for the graduate scheme, the Fast Stream but also keep the other routes in mind - the apprenticeships and the regular entry-level jobs. You get the same exposure and leadership opportunities both on and off the graduate scheme.

Contacting me

Happy to answer any questions you may have and to take on a formal mentoring role.

What I do

My team makes it easier for UK businesses to sell their goods and services to customers around the world. We identify and help remove barriers to trade.

I am involved in this work for the Latin American, Caribbean and Middle East regions.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Policy, communication, teamwork, leadership

What I like most

My favourite thing about my work is the amount of responsibility I was trusted with straight away.

I can see how my work is helping UK businesses make more money and on top of this, I can see how trade brings people around the world closer together.

The opportunity to move around within the Civil Service to a policy area that may interest me more is also very attractive.

What surprised me most

How young the average age in the Department is! Everyone is really young, friendly and driven to deliver.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Nikhil’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Nikhil a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Nikhil to be your mentor.

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