I-Ning W.

Project assistant
Happy to mentor
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About me

I-Ning W.
Management visiting student

My employment

Project assistant
NCCU in Taiwan

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A day in the life of a Project assistant in Taiwan

Choose a job that even if it makes you exhausted, you are still willing to get up and go to work the next day.

Briefly describe the organisation you work for

My home university where I was selected to be a visiting student at York Management School.

What do you do?

Making OB lecture slides, working with doctoral students, designing quiz questions for the OB lecture.

Reflecting upon your past employment and education, what led you to your current career choice?

After I finished my visit at the York Management School, I became an IT consultant in Deloitte, Taiwan. After that, I worked in HTC as a specialist managing the content management systems. Then I went back to UK to pursue a postgraduate degree at LSE in 2017. After that, I came back to Taiwan to be a project assistant in 2019. I have received an PhD offer this year. I have changed through the time, being confused about my career, and I changed jobs and study fields. Eventually I found out pursuing an academic career is the career that I feel passionate about.

Is your current job sector different from what you thought you would enter when you graduated?

When I finished coursework at York, I wanted to become an IT consultant, and I did after I went back to my home country. When I graduated from LSE in 2019 for the postgraduate degree, I wanted to pursue an academic career in the future. Now I have received an PhD offer, am on my way to becoming a scholar.

Describe your most memorable day at work

When a student gave me feedback about the quiz questions that I designed.

Are there any challenges associated with your job?

Yes, could share if any people message.

What’s your work environment and culture like?

Depends on which organisation you are asking.

What extracurricular activities did you undertake at university and what transferable skills did you develop through these?

I joined some activities held by college when I was at University of York. It helped me to enhance my social skills.

What would you like to do next with your career?

PhD study

What top tips do you have for York students preparing for today’s job market and life after graduation?

Choose a job that even if it makes you exhausted, you are still willing to get up and go to work the next day.

What topics from students are you happy to answer questions on?

Career plans, Plans for further study.

Next steps...

If you like the look of I-Ning’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send I-Ning a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask I-Ning to be your mentor.

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