Lara M.

Projects Officer (Student Community)
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Lara M.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
Philosophy and Politics
United Kingdom

My employment

Projects Officer (Student Community)
Open University Students Association
United Kingdom
Charity and voluntary sector
Small business (0-49 employees)

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A day in the life of a Projects Officer (Student Community) in the United Kingdom

I found a perfect job for me that wasn't advertised as a 'graduate' job and the recruitment suited me a lot better I think - no online tests and assessment centres - it was much more personal.

Briefly describe the organisation you work for

The Open University Students Association is a students union and charity. We represent, and provide a community and voice for Open University students all over the world (around 168,000 students).

What do you do?

My role as Projects Officer (Student Community) is to plan and deliver projects that will encourage student engagement and build a stronger student community. Projects include Freshers, working with Clubs and Societies, University Challenge and much more. I also work on creating engaging content e.g. on our social media pages and our online magazine.

Reflecting upon your past employment and education, what led you to your current career choice?

I had wanted to work in the charity sector for a few years so I was set on that when finding a job after leaving university. I looked at a range of websites including Indeed, Charity Job, Guardian Jobs. I found my job by looking on the Open University website, and luckily I saw the advert for the perfect job for me at the OU Students Association. I prepared for the interview by spending a lot of time on their website, trying to get a good grasp of what they do. I came up with examples of my experience and skills for each aspect of the job description, which I found really helpful for the application and interview.

Is your current job sector different from what you thought you would enter when you graduated?

No, I was keen to work in the charity sector.

Describe your most memorable day at work

So far my most memorable weekend was our Conference, delivered online in June. This was a weekend for students to immerse themselves in educational and inspirational sessions. Due to Covid-19 we had to make the Conference fully online, and I think it worked out better than we could have imagined. It was so enjoyable to see our planning and hard work be enjoyed by students.

What extracurricular activities did you undertake at university and what transferable skills did you develop through these?

I volunteered for York Mind as a University Ambassador and Awareness Volunteer. This involved attending a few stalls to talk to the public and I also completed a placement week where I worked on an awareness project. This helped me to develop my communication skills with members of the public, working to a deadline on a project, design skills, and an understanding of what it would be like working for a charity.

I also took part in an International Study Centre trip to Mexico, which I would wholeheartedly recommend. I learnt so much and met some great people. I learnt about the culture and politics of Mexico, which definitely benefitted me in an academic sense. But the experience was above all the most valuable part for me.

What top tips do you have for York students preparing for today’s job market and life after graduation?

I'd say don't put all your effort into graduate scheme jobs (maybe this is more so if you are looking for a job in the charity sector). There were a few graduate scheme jobs for big charities that I applied for during my final year at York, but they were so competitive and took a lot of time to prepare for each one. Eventually I found a perfect job for me that wasn't advertised as a 'graduate' job and the recruitment suited me a lot better I think - no online tests and assessment centres - it was much more personal.

I would also say try not to panic when you get rejected, I tried to remind myself that the job just wasn't the right fit. You'll get there in the end!

What topics from students are you happy to answer questions on?

Working for a Students Association/Union, working in the charity sector, planning and delivering community projects, engagement through social media.

Next steps...

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