Lindsey S.

Education Assistant
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Lindsey S.
History of Art
History of Art
United Kingdom

My employment

Education Assistant
York Archaeological Trust
United Kingdom
Library, museum and information services

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A day in the life of a Education Assistant in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job


Courses taken since graduation

MA in History of Art (Part Time)

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I hope to become an Education Manager.

My advice to students considering work

Don't leave it to the last minute, sometimes a bit of your study time may need to be sacrificed in order to help you have a career/life you want after studying. I volunteered once a week, but it could be anything, just don't leave it until after you hand in your dissertation, as you will be competing with everyone else!

What I do

I am responsible for setting up education workshops for primary school children, then delivering them and clearing away. I also give tours to adult education groups and to executives and ambassadors. I help resource the exhibitons at the museum and education workshops, i.e. making costumes, and visiting re-enactment markets to buy equipment. I can also help on the admissions desk and shop. I am responsible for volunteer welfare - as I was a volunteer myself, I can relate to their roles better.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Volunteering, knowledge of the museum building from undergraduate dissertation study and leadership in the Guide Association.

Degree skills:
My undergraduate degree has given me knowledge of medieval architecture and social history and research skills to find out about other aspects of the history. Also confidence in giving talks and workshops gained from presentations in seminars, confidence when being asked questions or listening to other people's opinions to have a discussion.

Extracurricular skills:
Fom being a Guide Leader I have developed skills talking to groups and confidence relating to young people. Textile related hobbies helped me develop the resources used.

What I like most

Teaching, and answering questions related to the museum, I enjoy sharing knowledge.

What I like least

Having to look after the shop sometimes, I don't like working in retail as I have done for 6 years whilst studying.

What would I change? Nothing, I am aiming to be an Education Manager for a museum and I think/hope I'm on the right track.

Next steps...

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