Keri B.

Account Manager
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Keri B.
United Kingdom

My employment

Account Manager
Leadpoint UK
United Kingdom
Advertising, marketing and PR

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A day in the life of a Account Manager in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Guardian jobs

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I have recently been made an account manager and hope to be made head of department next year.

My advice to students considering work

Try to get involved with societies and volunteering, in the current job market you will need more than just a degree. Think about the career you want to go into and pick some extra curricular activity which will give you the necessary skills.

What I do

LeadPoint UK is a technology platform for the distribution of voice and data leads. My job is to build and maintain relationships with large mortgage and insurance brokers. I plan pay per click, display and email lead generation campaigns to maximise buyer budgets whilst maintaining our affiliates return on investment and LeadPoint's commission. By sending weekly reports to key accounts and updating them on their volumes and balance throughout the week I ensure budgets are utilised. By organising monthly meetings with high priority clients I have increased my accounts budgets and exceeded my quarterly targets.
We are a small team, so I am also involved in new business. I research and contact potential clients, if the opportunity is significant I will organise a meeting to set up a trial. I manage monthly budgets and liaise with the finance team to ensure invoices are sent and paid on time. As we are a technology solution, I help to manage the platform by working with the buyers and the tech team to make amendments to the user interface to improve the customer experience. Extensive use of Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I worked for 14 months at MediaForce as an account executive.

Degree skills:
Extensive research skills - involving a wide range of resources, resulting in over 50,000 words of assessed work. Ability to write well disciplined work - with an impressive level of sophistication in the use of material and concepts to create original and independent work. Strong presentation skills - gained from a number of presentations, which improved my ability to talk in public and present a coherent argument using PowerPoint. Team work and good communication skills - gained from regular seminars and group projects. IT skills - competent use of PowerPoint, Statistical Processing for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Lotus Approach, Word, Publisher and Excel.

Extracurricular skills:
Student management in local sixth form colleges (volunteering); encouraging, organising and supervising volunteering among 6th form students; liaising with teaching staff and millennium volunteers; producing monthly and termly reports on the students’ development; visiting students on their volunteer placements and reviewing their progress; drugs Awareness Scheme in local primary schools (volunteering); teaching young children confidence building techniques to give them the strength to say no to peer pressure; events officer for University Radio York; organising coverage of Student Union elections, Roses and Varsity sporting tournaments and live music events; handling the press and publicity of events; communicating and working with the students’ union and events officers from other societies; co-founder and social secretary of the Sociology Society; setting up the society with the aim to provide a social and educational network for sociology students; organising socials such as quizzes, BBQs and summer drinks; arranging educational events including talks from key political and social commentators; project Management Course and Social Entrepreneur Course.

What I like most

I work for a start-up company and there are only 12 of us. It's a really fun and passionate environment to work in, and working in central London is great.

What I like least

What would I change? I would have thought more carefully about what I wanted to do after leaving university so I would have been more prepared.

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