Tom H.

Freelance writer
Happy to mentor
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About me

Tom H.
English and Related Literature
United Kingdom

My employment

Freelance writer
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Freelance writer in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

I gave it to myself!

The recruitment process

I decided to go freelance in 2005 because I wanted to take more control of my work and life. Like most people who strike out on their own I agonised over the decision for a while - but there was no recruitment process to stop me!

My career history

1998-1999 Researcher, Books in the Media, Chesham, Buckinghamshire;

1999-2003, Editor, Books in the Media, Bookseller Publications, London;

2003-2005 Publishing Reporter and Charts and Media Manager, The Bookseller, Bookseller Publications, London;

2005 onward, Freelance writer, Lindale, Cumbria;

Courses taken since graduation


Where I hope to be in 5 years

I want to broaden the range of people I write for, and would like to write more books. Preferably some bestsellers! But a big advantage of working for yourself is that I can progress in whatever direction I like.

My advice to students considering work

Follow your interests. If you're interested in writing, write - for your studies, for the newspapers, for yourself. Try to specialise and get to know your field. Start building contacts - I never thought networking would get me very far, but it has led me to all sorts of opportunities. Think of ways to get your foot in the door - writing and the media in general are very competitive, so getting that first break is important. But don't worry too much about things either - it might sound flippant to say it but opportunities will present themselves if you go looking for them!

What I do

I am a freelance writer, spending about half my time writing books and the other half working as a journalist, copywriter, editor and other roles in and around the written word! I've written six books about the Lake District and neighbouring areas, including general guidebooks and walking books. I also write regularly for The Bookseller, trade press for the publishing and bookselling industries and the magazine I worked for before going freelance. My other freelance journalism and writing is mostly for companies in the publishing business, though I also write for local magazines and newspapers in the Lake District.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Degree skills:
Studying English taught me plenty of useful research and writing skills. I also improved my working discipline - deadlines have come pretty easily to me since York. Having the chance to read far and wide for three years also helped me to improve my own writing.

Extracurricular skills:
I wrote occasional articles for the student newspapers, though I can't pretend this experience ever opened any doors for me in my career. I wouldn't underestimate the personal skills that I improved over three years at York - these are particularly valuable for journalists.

What I like most

I've always taken great pleasure in writing - before, during and after my time studying English at York - and it's very nice to be able to write for a living. I also enjoy the freedom of working as a freelance - I can pursue the work I'm interested in and steer clear of anything that doesn't appeal! Working for yourself gives you a freedom of time and opportunities that you don't get working for someone else.

What I like least

Pay obviously fluctuates according to the amount of work I have on, and that can sometimes cause uncertainty, though it's never become a major issue for me. And while I generally enjoy working for myself rather than someone else, it does mean there's no one to pay me when I can't work or am on holiday!

What would I change? I'd probably have turned freelance a bit sooner, but I've enjoyed everything I've done so far.

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