Philip B.

Primary Class teacher and History Co-ordinator
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Philip B.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
Philosophy and Politics

My employment

Primary Class teacher and History Co-ordinator
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Primary Class teacher and History Co-ordinator in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

National press

The recruitment process

Teach First were active on campus but their website is a very good one and provided me all the information I needed. The recruitment process was long and selective - I had to provide a written application and CV as well as going to an assessment centre to complete a three-part physical scenario-based and interview-based assessment.

My career history

I work as a primary class teacher in East London after intensely training with Teach First, a charity dedicated to ensuring poorer children in the UK get the best education possible by encouraging graduates who might not consider teaching to be an option to go into the profession and training them to an 'outstanding' degree.

Courses taken since graduation

Teach First PGCE

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I hope to progress up the leadership scale within the next 5 years before leaving the profession and working in politics.

My advice to students considering work

My advice to other would be to put the effort in and just do loads of stuff that could be useful in terms of showing leadership, developing skills etc. You never know what'll be useful!

My advice about working in my industry

Get in contact with Teach First.

What I do

I wake up at 5.25 and get to school at 6.50. From 6.50 till 8.35 I am preparing frantically for teaching a full day with 10 and 11 year olds. The teaching is stressful, tiring and demands huge time commitments (say goodbye to evenings and weekends). However it is incredibly fun, it differs every single day and, while there are downs, has been an immensely positive experience for me.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I feel that, although I very much enjoyed my degree, the softer skills I learnt when living with others and taking part in societies etc. has done more to prepare me for the professional but caring environment.

Degree skills:
Research and the ability to creatively think on a topic have been useful.

Extracurricular skills:
Leadership and dealing with people - trying to get the most out of people have been useful. I think I developed these more through interaction with peers both informally and more formally e.g. societies.

What I like most

I most enjoy working with staff and children and getting the most out of everybody.

What I like least

I don't like the fact that I have no weekends.

What would I change? I would change things so that a class had two teachers who could spend an appropriate amount of time marking, preparing and planning for a class.

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