Louis C.

Head of Research
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Louis C.
Politics, Economics and Philosophy
Politics with Education
United Kingdom

My employment

Head of Research
The Pearson Think Tank
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Head of Research in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Already knew organisation and subscribed to mailing list

The recruitment process

I saw the job advert in regular email newsletter, standard application of CV, cover letter and two interviews in London September 2010.

My career history

Policy Manager, The Pearson Centre for Policy and Learning, London, Sep 2010 to Dec 2011; Dec 2009 - Volunteer social entrepreneur at the Young Foundation, London; Voluntary one day a week Present
Jun 2008: Lead Research Consultant and Head of Third Sector, FreshMinds Research, London; Aug 2007, Research Manager at FreshMinds Research, London;
Public Affairs Executive at Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd., Hertfordshire; Policy Researcher for Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Minister of Communities & Local Govt

Other previous roles have included: Project Manager at the Teacher Training Agency; Researcher for Professor Ronald Rogowski; Office Manager at Saja Inc.; Research Officer at The Higher Education Academy; Parliamentary Researcher; Course Supervisor at the Anderson Management School; STEP Management Intern at Michael Barugh Steel Stockholding Ltd; Office Manager; Research Officer, The Higher Education Academy, MBA Course Supervisor - and more.

Courses taken since graduation

MPhil International Relations, University of Cambridge

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I see many different avenues of opportunity, creating uncertainty and excitement.

My advice to students considering work

Follow your own passion and take each step as it comes. My career has been complex, haphazard and circuitous but ultimately successful. I took the next best opportunity as it came.

My advice about working in my industry

I work in quite a niche area and one that can be hard to access. Ultimately a passion for policy and knowledge/expertise will see you through.

What I do

I founded and help develop a new education think tank (http://thepearsonthinktank.com), attached to Pearson 'the world's leading learning company'. I conduct research, policy analysis, write, blog, Tweet and run events to help support quality and access to education.

Skills I use and how I developed them

I think everything I've mentioned here has helped get me started but I have to continually build on that foundation 'always learning'.

Degree skills:
Improved writing and employability skills.

Extracurricular skills:
Use of software through practice.

What I like most

I enjoy the freedom, dynamic environment and supporting the education sector.

What I like least

It is a highly demanding role and it has taken longer than expected to build the right team, creating capacity constraints and preventing me pursuing other activities (e.g. my charity Work&Teach) to a satisfactory degree up till now.

What would I change? Nothing, I feel very lucky that it has all worked out how it has.

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