Michaela F.

Partnerships Manager
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Michaela F.
Educational Studies
United Kingdom

My employment

Partnerships Manager
Oxford Brookes University
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Partnerships Manager in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Online jobs board

Courses taken since graduation

PGCE Primary Teaching

My advice to students considering work

Gain as much work experience as you can and be prepared to be flexible. I had a part-time job in a shop at University and then had to take an unpaid Marketing internship after my PGCE. Both of these, although not directly related to the sector in which I work gave me valuable work experience and transferable skills. My unpaid internship turned into a paid job which allowed me to get a foot on the career ladder and move on to my current role.

What I do

As Partnerships Manager for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes University, I am responsible for liaising between the University and external companies, and overseeing all placement activity within the Faculty. This involves co-ordinating and monitoring placements for student teachers, language students on international University exchanges and students undertaking work placements both in the UK and abroad. We work with all sorts of organisations on a daily basis, from local Primary schools to Japanese Universities to EuroDisney and Clarins.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Having a degree in Education really helped give me a foothold into the position, as did my teacher training as many of the students I work with are training to be either Primary or Secondary School teachers.

Degree skills:
Critical thinking and analysis, much of my role is problem-solving and being able to assess large volumes of information.

Extracurricular skills:
I was a Peer Mentor for my course whilst at University, liaising with students and academics on a regular basis which definitely still applies to my role today.

What I like most

Meeting and speaking to lots of different people, supporting students and learning new things all the time, especially in relation to customs in different countries.

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