Charlotte E.

Social Content Manager
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Charlotte E.
Language and Linguistic Science
Modern Languages
United Kingdom

My employment

Social Content Manager
United Kingdom
Advertising, marketing and PR

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A day in the life of a Social Content Manager in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job


The recruitment process

I uploaded my CV details to LinkedIn and was approached by a recruitment consultant via email to attend an interview. My first interview was mainly just questions about my previous work experience and what I knew about the company and role. I was asked back for a second interview where I had to respond to a brief and create a presentation.

My career history

During my final year at York I did a weekly work placement at a PR agency in Leeds, and used my part time job at Lush to get work experience in their Marketing department in London. A few months after graduation in 2010 I got a paid internship in the marketing department of a London law firm for 9 months where I learnt more about digital and social media.

My first job after my internship in 2011 specialised in social media and that's been my focus since. I've since moved on to work in a huge international media agency working with massive clients such as O2, L'Oreal and Reckitt Benckiser, and after 14 months working as an Executive I was promoted to Manager.

Courses taken since graduation

IDM Certificate in Digital Marketing

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I would like to head up a Social Media division or agency.

My advice to students considering work

Get involved in extra curricular stuff. It sounds cliched but it really helped me and all the other graduates I know. A part time job is good too. And start thinking about work experience before you get close to graduation, as internships and especially jobs are hard to get without a foot on the ladder first. All of these show initiative which is really important! Be active online, show that you use social media responsibly through a public twitter feed or a blog. Read and subscribe to big social and digital sites like Mashable and The Next Web. Use LinkedIn to read forums, network and ask questions.

My advice about working in my industry

Be active online, show that you use social media responsibly through a public twitter feed or a blog. Read and subscribe to big social and digital sites like Mashable and The Next Web. Use LinkedIn to read forums, network and ask questions.

What I do

My work involves coming up with social media strategies and campaigns depending on the brief given by the client. I oversee community management (managing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other profiles) and blogger outreach (working with influential people online to promote campaigns and products). I'm responsible for working to budgets from £5000 to £250000+. I am also involved in creating Facebook apps, commissioning photo and video shoots and arranging promotional events.

Skills I use and how I developed them

My degree itself was a little relevant as Sociolinguistics helped me understand different consumer groups, but it certainly wasn't essential. Having a 2:1 was important though, as I wouldn't have even got an interview for my internships without it (I was told this by my manager at the time). Studying and organisational skills from my degree have been important though, and so has my written and public speaking skills.

Extracurricular skills:
My part time job was extremely valuable as I learnt how to do admin, finances, manage others and work with the public.

What I like most

Being creative! I also get to go to really cool events like premieres, drinks events and restaurants for free sometimes.

What I like least

The hours can be long and the workload can be very heavy.

What would I change? I would like to be not so constrained to my desk.

Next steps...

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