Alex Jiayi G.

Retail Real Estate and Development Project Specialist
Happy to mentor
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About me

Alex Jiayi G.
Social Informatics and Management

My employment

Retail Real Estate and Development Project Specialist
Apple Inc.

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A day in the life of a Retail Real Estate and Development Project Specialist in China

How studying in the UK affected my job seeking

How I searched for jobs:
LinkedIn is very useful for Overseas returning students because the jobs posted there usually favour people with international backgrounds.

Attitudes to study in the UK:
My employer is a very internationally well-known American company that values the diversity of staff. Being a UK returning student absolutely gives me an edge on this. They asked about what I did in England, my life and activities outside the university and how I see myself differently after returning to China.

Challenges in looking for jobs:
Being in the Uk did impact on my job search. I somehow lost connection with friends in China and was a bit left behind with latest status of job market. Students in China were able to attend all sorts of Career Seminars hold by HRs from different companies and they seemed to understand the situation better.

The recruitment process

Job Hunter contact - Job Hunter Interview - Company HR interview - Company Director Interview - Employment.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I hope to get a managerial role and start to look at the work from a different level.

My advice to students considering work

Get a TV licence and a second hand TV from charity shops, watch news and talk shows more instead of movies from the internet without subtitles.

Improve your spoken English by talking to as many local students in York as possible.

Do as much volunteering work as possible in the weekend.

Retail is booming in China but it's difficult to get into the corporate sector. A few months of part time work experience in retail stores can definitely help.

My advice about working in my industry

Retail is booming in China but it's difficult to get into the corporate sector. A few months of part time work experience in retail stores can definitely help.

What I do

My role involves managing the project budget, managing vendors, and reporting to line managers on the status of different matters.

Skills I use and how I developed them

A UK degree does give an edge when HR is filtering the CVS but the subject I studied and the skills I developed are really what got me hired.

Extracurricular skills:
Communication skills which I developed in several ways - I watched news everyday, joined squash club and made friends with a lot of local students.

What I like most

I have a great working environment. What I have learned before is helping me progress steadily in my work.

What I like least

Working in a global organisation means have to work with different times zones, this can be quite difficult and lead to long working hours.

Next steps...

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