Mickey H.

Hospital Social Worker
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Mickey H.
Theatre, Film and Television
Writing, Directing and Performance
United Kingdom

My employment

Hospital Social Worker
City Of York Council
United Kingdom
Social care and social work

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A day in the life of a Hospital Social Worker in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

City Of York Council Website

The recruitment process

I applied on an online application form followed by a scored panel interview.

My career history

Five years volunteering with York Nightline.

Courses taken since graduation

MA Social Work at University of York

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I would be interested in becoming a Practice Educator to supervise student placements, becoming a Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards (DOLS) Assessor, and taking on the role of specialist neurology social worker. I could also progress into management. I am interested in possibly spreading my experience into Youth Justice and Mental Health.

My advice to students considering work

My advice is to focus on extra-curricular activities as they make a real difference.

What I do

I assist adults in hospital make plans and arrange support arrangements for discharge from hospital. I predominately work for people 85+ but can work with anyone 18+. I work closely with customers, relatives, and health staff to help people leave hospital in a safe and supported way. I then make sure arrangements are working, before passing on to community teams.

My work is focussed on short sharp interventions, quickly building relationships, finding solutions and implementing them. There is a lot of information and advice and I can help with packages of care, residential and nursing placements, rehousing, employment, benefits, access to voluntary services, and information around a range of other issues.

Within my role I also conduct safeguarding investigations into alleged abuse of vulnerable adults. I also assess people's mental capacity to make decisions for themselves, and become the decision maker in law if they are unable.

I require a working knowledge of community care legislation and policy, the mental Health Act, and work with many other bits of legislation around carers, health and social care, mental health, and much more.

I can also be involved with advocacy and have had students shadowing me as part of their training.

What I like most

I enjoy forming quick relationships with a wide range of customers.

What I like least

Duplicating work where I record my work in medical notes and on council systems as this can be very repetitive.

Next steps...

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