Gina A.

Health Economist/Key Populations Coordinator
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About me

Gina A.
Economics and Related Studies
Health Economics

My employment

Health Economist/Key Populations Coordinator
Ministry of Health/National AIDS Programme Secretariat

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A day in the life of a Health Economist/Key Populations Coordinator in Guyana

How studying in the UK affected my job seeking

How I searched for jobs:
I was the recipient of a Commonwealth Scholarship. One of the conditions was that I return to my home country and work for the Government for at least three years. It has been four years since and I still am with the Government.

Attitudes to study in the UK:
They looked at it as skills that were desperately needed for the country, especially the Ministry of Health. I am the only trained Health Economist in the country. They have outsourced one other.

Challenges in looking for jobs:
There are a number of challenges associated with finding jobs in Guyana generally, especially within Government. The other consideration that needs to be factored in is the remuneration you receive which may not always match your qualifications. Experience is critical to reaching the heights you set for yourself.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I'd like to continue working with Government but eventually move off into doing Special Projects, particularly costing exercises that stretch beyond the Health Sector.

My advice to students considering work

Choose a degree that will equip you with the skills that your home country needs. Look at the job market before you decide to return - sometimes what you're looking for will not always be available. Remember, do not expect to get your dream job right away - sacrifice a couple of years gaining the experience in the sectors that will build the foundation you need.

What I do

Health Economist: Involved with the costing of the National Health Sector Strategy, other strategy consultation including costing of various programmes, preparation of financial reports to the National Health Policy Committee, and updating/planning/analyzing of Health budget/expenditure. In charge of costing analyses including diabetes and hypertension; National AIDS Spending Assessment and other health economic related analyses.
Focal person for Global Fund ATM Counterpart Financing Analyses and Willingness to Pay.

Key Populations Coordinator: Responsible for coordinating the National HIV Response to Key Populations (MSMs, Sex Workers etc).
- Coordinating the Sub-Recipients of Global Fund ATM Funding under the HIV Grant.

What I like most

It's challenging but in the end, you're helping people and you're also helping to inform the better use and allocation of resources.

What I like least

The bureaucracies involved with Government - something that you have to learn to get used to.

Next steps...

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