Iris C.

Strategic Business Development
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Iris C.
Social Policy and Social Work
Comparative and International Social Policy

My employment

Strategic Business Development
Cheetah Mobile
Digital and IT services

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A day in the life of a Strategic Business Development in China

How studying in the UK affected my job seeking

How I searched for jobs:
I had a reference from a friend in my home country.

Attitudes to study in the UK:
Employers see advantages in understanding and communicating, and study skills.

Challenges in looking for jobs:
I don't think it impacted negatively at all - there were more benefits.

The recruitment process

I had a first round interview with the Director, then it went to the Vice President who hired me.

My advice to students considering work

Figure out which industry will excite you before starting to look for opportunities. Learn, stay ahead of industry trend, talk to people who know better than you.

What I do

Strategic business partnerships development in mobile technology world.

What I like most

I enjoy the opportunities to meet new people, create new modles, and constant learning.

What I like least

Complicated, tech-centric.

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