Bernard R.

Associate Provost for Contract Administration
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Bernard R.
Political Philosophy
Taught Postgraduate
United States

My employment

Associate Provost for Contract Administration
Chicago State University
United States

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A day in the life of a Associate Provost for Contract Administration in the United States

How I looked for work

I looked in the phone book when I finished my PhD, and my university was on the list! That's how it all started.

How studying in the UK affected my job seeking

Not at all directly. Indirectly a great, great deal by giving me confidence as a young man to go outside of my boundaries and work with people I never planned to know.

How I found out about the job

Already worked there

The recruitment process


My career goals when I graduated

To become a professor at a major research university.

My career history

I have been a professor, department chair, acting associate dean, and assistant provost, among other titles.

What has helped my career to progress

The opportunity to pursue a sabbatical in South Korea, where I had a Korea Foundation fellowship and two visiting teaching/research appointments. It was a fantastic time.

Courses taken since graduation

Several minor certifications, in particular work toward serving as a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation association in the United States.

How my studies have helped my career

I studied Political Philosophy: the Idea of Toleration. I practice what I learned on a daily basis. I learned to interact with citizens and people from many different nations while at York. I overcame an obsession with grades. I became more of a citizen of the world.

What surprised me about my career so far

That I've remained at one institution for such a long time. That setbacks led to advances forward. I became more risk tolerant.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Provost or President of a university or college.

My advice to students considering work

You must set out on an area that holds your passion and dreams. There's no point to working just for external or material goods.

My advice about working in my industry

It requires patience and a long-run view of things, in particular accomplishment.

Other advice

Question yourself, but never give up.

Contacting me

I'd be happy to talk with any York student interested in work and life in higher education/academia and in work and life in the United States.

What I do

I am Associate Provost for Contract Administration at Chicago State University. This entails working with faculty to facilitate their professional work at the university. I also am a Full Professor of Political Science.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Diplomacy, mediation, public personnel administration. These skills have been acquired in my 22 years of work as a higher education professional.

What I like most

I like to see faculty and students engage in and accomplish global educational experiences.

What I like least

I least like handling of faculty and student grievances, though I've learned a lot through addressing them.

What surprised me most

I found out that I still have a lot of room to learn and grow!

Next steps...

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