Nicholas T.

Royal Navy officer
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Nicholas T.
History, Medieval History
Taught Postgraduate
United Kingdom

My employment

Royal Navy officer
Royal Navy
United Kingdom
Armed forces and emergency services
Large business (250+ employees)

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A day in the life of a Royal Navy officer in the United Kingdom

The recruitment process

Attend an Admiralty Interview Board (2 days) at HMS Sultan, Gosport. Undergo psychometric and fitness tests, Practical Leadership Tasks, assessed essay and formal interview.

My career history

A varied pre-RN career, working in Fine Arts, and then four years as a Regional Manager for a national charity. In my RN career I have worked in outer office roles, supporting senior officers, deployed as a Task Force headquarters logistics specialist to Bahrain, spent 18-months with the Royal Marines including a spell in Somalia mentoring their Coast Guard. Latterly I have spent 18 months running my own logistics department supporting an RN warship overseas in the Mediterranean and Gulf, conducting a civilian evacuation from Tripoli, Libya, maritime security operations off Yemen and Somalia, and migrant rescue operations. My new post supports and generates RN warships from refit to the point of embarking on operations.

Courses taken since graduation

A mass of education opportunities exist within the RN; I have been awarded a number of internationally recognised Leadership and Management qualifications at various points in training, and have had RN funding towards earning a BSc (Hons) in Logistics Management, which I studied for via distance learning whilst deployed on operations.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Promoted, and back to sea running the department of a larger warship, or, having completed that, a policy making job in MOD.

My advice to students considering work

Read, widely. Develop an interest in current affairs. Speak to as many serving officers as you can and decide on a branch that best suits your aspirations. Oh, and get fit early - it makes the training easier!

My advice about working in my industry

To be a successful Logistics Officer you need to be a mature individual, who enjoys problem solving and rapidly changing situations that require dynamic thought. Go into it with your eyes wide open, accept that basic training in no way reflects life in the Fleet, and embrace everything it has to offer you.

Contacting me

Happy to give advice on general officer recruitment process, background RN knowledge, or more specific and in depth discussions about life as a Logistics Officer in the Royal Navy.

What I do

Logistics Officer, Royal Navy

What I like most

International travel, huge amounts of responsibility at a junior level, broad range of jobs (rotated every 18-24 months), wonderful people and direct contribution to the national interest - either militarily, or delivering humanitarian or disaster relief support.

Next steps...

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