Victoria B.

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About me

Victoria B.
Environmental Science
United Kingdom

My employment

United Kingdom

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How I looked for postgraduate options

I Google searched teacher training courses and found several that looked good. I also went through the UCAS Teacher Training section which has a vast number of courses and information abut it. From UCAS I was then able to go onto several course websites to find out more detailed information.

How I found out about the postgraduate place

Course provider website

The application process

I had to apply through the UCAS Teacher Training website. Once I had applied, I then was asked to do a Maths and English course test as well as the Skills Tests. Once I had passed these, I was invited to an interview day where I had to teach a five minute lesson to a group of 4 children, do a three-minute presentation about a school topic of my choice and then an interview.

Why I continued studying

To gain my PGCE qualification so that I can eventually go into the environmental education sector.

What my course is like

Very hard work but extremely enjoyable. You learn an awful lot in such a short space of time and you make very good friends with everyone else on the course.

What I like most

The training and teaching placement is very well organised and gives you a great balance between learning about teaching and actually doing it.

What I like least

There is quite a lot of paperwork but if you try to stay on top of it from the start then you should be fine and you can enjoy the rest of the course!

What surprised me most

How quickly you learn and get into teaching the children. Within 6 weeks, I was planning and teaching a couple of lessons.

My advice to students considering further study

You must decide whether or not you need it for what you want to do. If it will help you to gain a better job in the future or it is necessary to get your dream job then it is worth it! If you are not sure, then I would look around for jobs and then if it turns out you do need a postgraduate qualification, you can always do to it later.

Other advice

Get your applications in early. This looks better to your potential employers and will reduce the stress later when your work starts to pile up!
Create a list of all the possible jobs you want to do and research them well to make sure you pick the right one for you.

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