Oscar H.

Policy advisor
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Oscar H.
Comparative public policy
Taught Postgraduate

My employment

Policy advisor
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Government and civil service

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A day in the life of a Policy advisor in France

How I looked for work

I registered my CV on the OECD website to get the job vacancies alert and then I applied for the ones I thought I qualified.

How I found out about the job

Employer's website

The recruitment process

Once you pass the first screening process, you get selected for a written exam which was an essay, similar to those we did in York. Then you have to pass an interview with 5 people in the panel. That is conducted in English but there is some French too at the end. If selected they get in touch with you but this could take a while.

My career goals when I graduated

To work in an international environment.

My career history

I started my career working for the Mexican government in human resource management. After the masters degree in York I worked as a consultant in Mexico on civil service issues. Once I got my PhD my first position at the OECD was as a policy analyst on public employment and management. After two years I became responsible for managing the programme of work and budget of the Public Employment and Management Working Party of the Public Governance Committee. After five years I was asked to join the team working on urban development that has given me the opportunity to learn new things on economics, urban development issues and even multi-level governance.

What has helped my career to progress

The fact that I got a PhD in England has helped a lot as I got used to live in an international environment.
Knowing languages is also very helpful. English is fine but that is taken for granted. So, if you speak any other language is a plus.

How my studies have helped my career

My thesis was about OECD and Mexico's administrative reform and that helped me not only to know the organisation in advance but also to use the analytical and comparative approach in the work we conduct here.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

I may be back in Mexico working as a manager of any urban development project.

My advice to students considering work

Write a thesis that will help you finding a job that you would like to do.

My advice about working in my industry

Be flexible and open minded.

Contacting me

You can contact me regarding the organisation, job opportunities and if you are interested in doing a Stage I could also give you some advice.

What I do

Conduct peer reviews on urban development policy among member and non-member countries. The aim is to give policy advice to governments on wide range of issues: governance, urban development, economic development etc.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Analytical thinking

What I like most

The international environment and the share of ideas and experiences among countries.
I have had the chance to attend conferences dictated by international leaders coming to the OECD.

What surprised me most

How friendly people are.

Next steps...

If you like the look of Oscar’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Oscar a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Oscar to be your mentor.

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