John F.

Pre-registration clinical scientist
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

John F.
United Kingdom

My employment

Pre-registration clinical scientist
United Kingdom
Large business (250+ employees)

More about John

Low Income Household

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A day in the life of a Pre-registration clinical scientist in the United Kingdom

NHS scientist training programme

How I found out about the job

Employer's website

The recruitment process

Online tests and application followed by multiple mini-interviews.

My career goals when I graduated

To earn loads of money.

My career history

I worked as a rep for two years following graduation, it paid very well but I missed studying.

Courses taken since graduation

MSc clinical science

How my studies have helped my career

Without a good degree from a good university I may not have been considered for graduate jobs.

What surprised me about my career so far

How important job satisfaction is.

Where I hope to be in 5 years

By the pool with a cocktail in Australia.

My advice to students considering work

Build your CV early, pre-work responsibilities give you something to talk about in interviews.

Other advice

Don't get disheartened if you don't get the job straight away!

Contacting me

Feel free to contact with questions about the NHS scientist training programme, healthcare work and working as a medical device rep... Don't ask anything about biochemistry because I'm no good at it!

What I do

I'm training to be a clinical scientist with a specialism in molecular and cellular genetics and genomics

Skills I use and how I developed them

Scientific skills through my degree and communication skills through my previous job as a medical rep

What I like most

I'm doing rotations in embryology, histopathology and immunology, they're really interesting and I'm able to do/see some really cool stuff (in vitro fertilisation/ post-mortems/ genome analysis and immunology clinics).

I also really enjoy the integrated masters that is part of the training, a huge variety of topics are covered.

What I like least

There is a lot of work! It's hard to juggle building a portfolio while doing workplace and masters exams.

What surprised me most

Getting accepted for the job!

Next steps...

If you like the look of John’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send John a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask John to be your mentor.

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