Victoria L.

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About me

Victoria L.
United Kingdom

My employment

Genetics of Human Disease
University College London (UCL)
United Kingdom

More about Victoria

Mature student

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Further study in genetics

How I looked for postgraduate options

I looked on and through a search for postgraduate courses in genetics on Google. I was offered a place in the MSc programme at UCL as well as a place at Imperial College London. I joined UCL as I felt the course was very well organised, and the staff were supportive and willing to meet with me before I applied to answer questions and run me through the course requirements.

How I found out about the postgraduate place

Course provider website

Why I continued studying

I decided I wanted to pursue a career in research, particularly in the field of genetics, and doing an MSc, and potentially a PhD are essential. Plus I enjoyed my Undergraduate degree and was keen to continue studying.

What my course is like

It is certainly challenging. Coming from an Archaeology background, having completed an Ancient DNA module, I wasn't totally unprepared in the basics of genetics, but it is a very dense and at times complicated subject. However, the lecturers and supervisors are incredibly supportive and have provided me and other students with extra reading and access to other resources to help get us up to speed with any topics we may otherwise have struggled with.
I have had the opportunity to learn the basics in bioinformatics, statistical genetics and more general human genetics courses and will be able to apply that to a final year project and thesis. The challenging aspects of this course have been the most rewarding in the long run.

How I have funded my studies

I was fortunate enough this year to qualify for the HECFE bursary of £10,000 towards my fees, with the rest made up of a scholarship from the Medical Research Council.

My advice to students considering further study

Don't be discouraged if your Undergraduate degree doesn't obviously lead on to something you've found you're interested in pursuing at a Postgraduate level. Do your research, find out what skills you have that can be translated into a Masters or PhD course and highlight those in your application. Speak to your supervisors, they're a great source of help. Also, the Careers service at the University of York is excellent. Make use of them when you can.

Other advice

As cliche as it might sound, don't worry if you haven't got the rest of your life figured out already, or if you still don't quite know what you want to be when you grow up. It took me a while to figure it out, but what you learn and get to experience on the way will help shape your decision in the end.

Contacting me

If you're thinking of further study in the field of genetics (particularly the UCL MSc in Genetics of Human Disease), especially if you have done a BSc in Archaeology or Bioarchaeology and would like to ask me about the application process, I'm happy to answer questions. I am in the middle of the MSc at the moment, so I may not get back to you immediately, but I'll try my best.

Next steps...

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