Michael U.

Non Exec Director/Chair
Happy to mentor
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About me

Michael U.
Mathematics & Economics
United Kingdom

My employment

Non Exec Director/Chair
UK Insurance industry
United Kingdom

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A day in the life of a Non Exec Director/Chair in the United Kingdom

Long careers in life insurance

How I looked for work

Built a non executive career after retiring from full time employment as an actuary. Used head hunters, and network connections

How I found out about the job

Personal contacts

The recruitment process

A number of interviews with senior Board members.

My career goals when I graduated

To rise to senior level in my chosen profession - Actuary

My career history

Joined General Accident in York as an actuarial student. Eventually qualified and rose to be Chief Actuary of Aviva in the UK

What has helped my career to progress

Commercial perspective, and communication skills

Courses taken since graduation

Actuary exams

How my studies have helped my career

Qualification fundamental to success

What surprised me about my career so far

My success!

Where I hope to be in 5 years

Probably fully retired

My advice to students considering work

Widen your perspective and add to your skill base

My advice about working in my industry

Ensure you get a wide experience of different departments and functions in your early years

What I do

Non Executive Director and Chair of a number of UK Insurers. Qualified actuary, now retired but very active still

Skills I use and how I developed them

Actuary - qualified through exams and gained significant experience through a long career in Life Assurance

What I like most

Challenging others and trying to add value to the Companies I work with

What I like least

A lot of reading!

What surprised me most

More intellectually demanding!

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