Sam has provided software and digital technology expertise to a wide range of research projects from web based citizen science to the use of high performance computers.
He has a background and working interest in using digital technology to enable all stakeholders in research to engage with the complex problems we face. He has worked with a wide range of research stakeholders including the researchers themselves; commercial and industry sectors; digital research professionals and most recently teachers and pupils through the Schools' Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education (SAMHE) project.
He has experience in the application of high performance computers for the modelling of crop growth and tree sequestration as part of the DO3SE team. This has involved both efficient complex model development as well as enabling researchers to engage with and use the model.
Sam led the frontend development of the SAMHE web app and was part of the co-design team working directly with schools to design the app.
In addition to his role as an Research Software Engineer (RSE) Sam also leads the N8CIR RSE theme as a community leader. This role has involved leading community events and bringing together RSEs from across the N8 to discuss common challenges.
N8CIR Research Software Engineer theme lead
Member of the Society of Research Software Engineering