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Dr Rhys Archer
Research Fellow



Dr Rhys Archer is a Research Fellow at SEI York and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and is coordinator for the Citizen Science Research group. She works on the SAMHE project which involves co-designing a webapp with schools to monitor classroom air quality, as well as the Youth LIVES project which co-produces mental health research with young people. Additionally, Rhys leads a campaign called Women of Science, which she founded in 2016, to promote relatable role models in STEM fields. To date, this campaign has been funded through awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry, The University of Manchester and I’m an Engineer, Get Me Out of Here, a student-led STEM enrichment activity.

She holds a BSc in Textile Science and Technology and completed a PhD in Materials Engineering at the University of Manchester as part of the composites group. Following completion of her PhD, Rhys was awarded an EPSRC fellowship in Biomedical Materials. Alongside her research, Rhys has taught Materials Engineering, Sustainability, and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion modules at The University of Manchester, and Core Science and Engineering modules at The Open University. Rhys also has keen interest and expertise in leading outreach and public engagement, and as a result was awarded the Robert Perrin Medal in 2020 “For outstanding and sustained commitment to outreach activity in Materials Science and Technology targeted at 11-19 students” from the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining.

Contact details

Dr Rhys Archer
Research Fellow
