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Johan is a Research Leader at SEI, a member of SEI’s Global Research Committee, and Professor at the University of York, UK, where he has worked since 1986. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and of the York Civic Trust Environment Committee. Key areas of interest include the integration of strategies to address climate change and air quality, in particular to reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). He is part of a team developing and applying a strategy support tool, LEAP-IBC, used by many national and local governments for air pollution and climate change mitigation strategies, and has contributed to assessing impacts of air pollution on health.
He has supported regional air pollution agreements: the UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, regional cooperation in South Asia (the Malé Declaration) and southern Africa (APINA). He coordinated a UNEP/WMO integrated assessment on Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone and is an author of the other CCAC and UNEP assessments, including GEO4 and GEO5, regional SLCP assessments in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and also the Global Methane Assessment (GMA).
Johan also engages with the private sector to quantify value chain air pollutant emissions, engaging with the World Economic Forum coordinated ‘Alliance for Clean Air’, and he supported the development of a practical guide to quantify and reduce air pollution from businesses. He has been supporting City of York Council in their development of the York Climate Change Strategy and its implementation.
Malley, C.S., Lefèvre, E.N., Kuylenstierna, J.C.I., Haeussling, S., Howard, I.C. & Borgford-Parnell, N. (2022) Integration of Short-Lived Climate Pollutant and air pollutant mitigation in nationally determined contributions, Climate Policy, DOI:
Agbossou, A., Fontodji, J.K., Ayassou, K., Tchegueni, S., Segla, K.N., Adjonou, K., Bokovi, Y., Ajayon, A-L., Polo- Akpisso, A., Kuylenstierna, J.C.I., Malley, C.S., Michalopoulou, E., Slater, J. (2022) Integrated climate change and air pollution mitigation assessment for Togo. Science of The Total Environment 844,
Kuylenstierna, J. C. I., Heaps, C. G., Ahmed, T., Vallack, H. W., Hicks, W. K., Ashmore, M. R., Malley, C. S., Wang, G., Lefèvre, E. N., Anenberg, S. C., Lacey, F., Shindell, D. T., Bhattacharjee, U. and Henze, D. K. (2020). Development of the Low Emissions Analysis Platform – Integrated Benefits Calculator (LEAP-IBC) tool to assess air quality and climate co-benefits: Application for Bangladesh. Environment International 145.
Anenberg, S.C., Henze, D.K., Tinney, V., Kinney, P.L., Raich, W., Fann, N., Malley, C., Roman, H., Lamsal, L., Duncan, B., Martin, R.V., van Donkelaar, A., Brauer, M., Doherty, R., Jonson, J.H., Davila, Y., Sudo, K., Kuylenstierna, J.C.I. (2018). Estimates of the global burden of ambient PM2.5, ozone, and NO2 on asthma incidence and emergency room visits. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2018.
Haines, A. Amann, M., Borgford-Parnell, N. Leonard, S., Kuylenstierna, J & Shindell, D. (2017) Short-lived climate pollutant mitigation and the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Climate Change 7, pages863–869 (2017) DOI:
Christopher S. Malley, Daven K. Henze, Johan C.I. Kuylenstierna, Harry W. Vallack, Yanko Davila, Susan C. Anenberg, Michelle C. Turner, and Mike R. Ashmore (2017). Updated Global Estimates of Respiratory Mortality in Adults ≥30 Years of Age Attributable to Long-Term Ozone Exposure. Environ Health Perspect; 125.
Shindell, D., Borgford-Parnell, N., Brauer, M., Haines, A. Kuylenstierna, J. C. I., Leonard, S.A., Ramanathan, V. Ravishankara, A., Amann, M. and Srivastava, L. (2017). A climate policy pathway for near- and long-term benefits - Climate actions can advance sustainable development. Science 356, 493-4. https://www
Malley, C.S., Kuylenstierna, J.C.I., Vallack, H.W., Henze, D.K., Blencowe, H., Ashmore, M.R. (2017). Preterm birth associated with maternal fine particulate matter exposure: A global, regional and national assessment. Environment International 101, pp. 173-182.
Anenberg, S.C., Schwartz, J., Shindell, D., Amann, M, Faluvegi, G., Klimont, Z., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Pozzoli. L., Van Dingenen, R., Vignati, E., Emberson, L., Muller, N.Z., West, J.J., Williams, M., Demkine, V., Hicks, W.K., Kuylenstierna, J., Raes, F. and Ramanathan, V. (2012). Global Air Quality and Health Co-benefits of Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change through Methane and Black Carbon Emission Controls. Environmental Health Perspectives 120:831-839.
Shindell, D.,Kuylenstierna, J.C.I., Vignati, E., Van Dingenen, R., Amann, M., Klimont, Z., Anenberg, S.C., Muller, N., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Raes, F., Schwartz, J., Faluvegi, G., Pozzoli, L., Kupiainen, K., Höglund-Isaksson, L., Emberson, L., Streets, D., Ramanathan, V., Hicks, K., Oanh, K., Milly, G., Williams, M., Demkine, V. and Fowler, D. (2012). Simultaneously mitigating near-term climate change and improving human health and food security. Science 335 (6065), 183–189. DOI: