Publications by SEI York centre staff are listed here. For the full list of SEI Publications please visit the SEI website.

This policy and practice brief co-authored by SEI York’s Dr Chris West and Global Food Security-Food System Research (GFS-FSR)examines the risks associated with soy dependency in the UK livestock sector and aims to help the industry better understand and address the risks associated with their reliance on soy.

Read the brief

The PRINCE project – Policy Relevant Indicators for Consumption and Environment – has explored ways to improve and expand consumption-based indicators so that they can be usefully deployed in policymaking in Sweden. This report sets out the results from this major multi-partner project.

Brown, N., Croft, S., Dawkins, E., Finnveden, G., Green, J., Persson, M., Roth, S., West, C. and Wood. R. (2022). New methods and environmental indicators supporting policies for sustainable consumption in Sweden (Final report of PRINCE phase 2). Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm.

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Efforts to decrease food loss and waste must engage with all stakeholders and all of their impacts. This report explores using a method called True Cost Accounting to help overcome siloed thinking and support collaborative efforts to reduce food loss and waste throughout the whole food system.

Bonfert, B., Burke, M., Caffrey, A., Maderson, S., Molotoks, A., Pearce, J. and Tak, M. (2021). A tool in the toolkit: can true cost accounting remove siloed thinking about food loss and waste? Global Food Security Programme, Swindon.

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This report was commissioned by WWF-UK to identify nitrogen losses to the environment and their impacts, and describe key interventions and approaches to tackle the problem. It forms part of the supporting evidence for WWF’s Land of Plenty Initiative.

Hicks, W. K., McKendree, J., Sutton, M. A., Cowan, N., German, R., Dore, C., Jones, L., Hawley, J. and Eldridge, H. (2022). A comprehensive approach to nitrogen in the UK. WWF-UK.

Read the summary report (39 pages)

Read the full technical report (210 pages)

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how hard it is to manage a global crisis. What can we learn from the pandemic to help fight climate change and build resilience?

Ringsmuth, A.K., Otto, I. M., van den Hurk, B., Lahn, G., Reyer, C.P.O., Carter, T.R., Magnuszewski, P., Monasterolo, I., Aerts, J.C.J.H., Benzie, M., Campiglio, E., Fronzek, S., Gaupp, F., Jarzabek, L., Klein, R.J.T., Knaepen, H., Mechler, R., Mysiak, J., Sillmann, J., Stuparu, D. and West, C. (2022). Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience. Climate Risk Management, 100395.

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This paper offers a systematic exploration of the different forms of learning and their contribution to farmer-led innovation.

Ensor, J., & de Bruin, A. (2022). The role of learning in farmer-led innovation. Agricultural Systems, 197, 103356.

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