Press: Climate change - UK’s carbon footprint down by 17% as pandemic helps move to eco-friendly lifestyles

News | Posted on Wednesday 21 April 2021

SEI York’s Chris West is quoted in a Sky News article about the UK’s carbon footprint reduction.

Windmills. Emphyrio / Pixabay

Sky News reported on the recent research undertaken by SEI and WWF which looked at the UK’s carbon footprint.

The research found that lockdown restrictions reduced the amount of travel that people have been doing, which is the largest contributor to an average footprint. However, Britons were adopting more eco-friendly lifestyles before the COVID outbreak. For example, the number of people who changed to 100% renewable energy almost doubled from 12% to 21% between February 2019 and October 2020.

Reflecting on the findings, Chris West said:

“The carbon calculator analysis showed people's desire for a lower carbon future.”

Read the full story.


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