Resources & Skills Sessions
Make an impact now and prepare for the future
We offer a range of academic skills workshops, conferences and online resources for Year 12, 13 and equivalent students to develop their academic skills that can help with their current studies and their transition into higher education.
Unfortunately we are currently unable to organise visits but we do hope to be able to offer these again in the future. In the meantime, we have developed a range of online resources that we hope will be helpful to you and your students.
MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses
Designed by York academics, our massive open online courses (MOOCs) are free and open to everyone. Engage with university-level study, explore a new subject area or to prepare for higher education more generally.
The Next steps to university: from choosing a course to your first assessment course may be of particular interest. The course has been designed to help your students make the transition from school or college to university smoothly. We explore what higher education is all about and learn tips for making the most of university life and study. The course breaks down everything from academic referencing to budgeting – and challenges some myths along the way. The course is free and open to anyone, not just those students progressing to the University of York.
The subject tasters are an excellent way for students to get a structured introduction to studying particular courses and are also great ways for them to evidence enthusiasm for the subject area in their personal statements. Some of the courses that have been available recently include ‘From Crime to Punishment’, ‘Bugs, Brains and Beasts’ and ‘Exploring Everyday Chemistry’.

Academic Skills
We offer workshops to develop independent learning skills and a range of academic skills to both enhance your students' current studies and to help them prepare for higher education.
Sessions can be tailored according to the needs of your students and we have recorded versions of some of these so that you can run the class whenever is most convenient (youtube.com).
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
We recognise the benefits of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and its role in preparing students for success in higher education. In acknowledgement of this, some of our departments will make a reduced offer where the EPQ is taken alongside three A levels or equivalent.
Our skills guide and EPQ conferences are designed to help support students working towards this qualification with sessions on researching, academic integrity, referencing and presentation skills.

Access to HE
We host information sessions and conferences for students on Access to HE courses to support their transition to university. These provide information about applying to university, the realities of university life, imposter syndrome and study skills, all tailored to Access to HE students.
Contact us to register for alerts when the next session is available for booking.

Advancing Access
We're one of 24 leading universities, working together to provide free CPD resources and events for teachers and advisers through a programme called Advancing Access. The programme has a range of resources and you can also request CPD sessions delivered by a member of one of the partner universities.